Baby Cough And Chest Congestion Home Remedies
Coughs and congestion are very common in babies and young children. Most cases are caused by a virus and simply need to run their course. Occasionally, however, a cough will require prescription antibiotics or steroids to resolve.
Because many over-the-counter cough medications are not safe for the little ones, parents may turn to natural home remedies to provide relief to their children. Fortunately, there are several home remedies you can try to help your child feel better while they recover.
If you believe your child could benefit from a cough or cold medicine, talk to your healthcare provider about how to choose a safe option and dosage.
A Bath With Warm Water
It might sound not so obvious but warm water can do wonders for the baby. If your baby is suffering from nasal and chest congestion you can help him/her get rid of it easily and in a very simple way. Just take some warm water and give your baby a nice and warm bath. This will help him/her in getting some relief from the congestion. This is because warm water loosens the congestion and the mucous becomes loose and is removed in front of the accumulated areas. Thus, this can give the baby a lot of relief.
Keep Your Baby Upright
When your baby is congested, try to avoid laying them down on their side, stomach, or back. Instead, keep them upright as it can help drain mucus from their nose. You can hold or wear your baby in this upright position, or let them nap in their swing or car seat. This will allow their mucus to drain and will give them a chance to get some much needed rest.
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Causes Of Baby And Newborn Congestion
As long as your baby’s congestion is not accompanied by other symptoms or interfering with their eating or breathing, there is probably not a lot to worry about. When babies are first born, it’s normal for them to be congested. Babies typically get some amniotic fluid in their noses that can make them a little stuffy for the first few days.
Saliva and milk from feeding also can get in their nasal passages and may cause your baby to sneeze a lot to clear it. Sometimes irritants like dust, pet dander, hair spray, perfumes, and cigarette smoke can irritate their nasal passages causing congestion as well.
Other causes of nasal congestion include dry air, colds, viruses, and allergies. Keep an eye on your baby and their symptoms and contact your doctor with any concerns.
Foreign Particles And Irritants
Foreign particles and irritants like harmful fumes, petrol fumes, smoke, cooking smoke, cigarette smoke and harmful fumes of the vehicle can be really dangerous for the baby. These particles and irritants are full of chemicals and are harmful enough to cause chest congestion to babies and infants, When these foreign particles and irritants enter the delicate membrane of the baby it can lead to chest congestion and the production of a lot of mucous.
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The Cold And Bronchitis
Many cases of cough in babies are caused by a virus and result in the common cold or bronchitis. These infections usually come on quickly and resolve on their own.
Bronchitis occurs when your childs airways to their lungs become inflamed and start producing mucus. When the airways known as the bronchi are filled with mucus, your child will naturally cough to break it up and remove it.
Another common cause of cough in babies is bronchiolitis. This occurs when the smaller airways called the bronchioles constrict and make breathing more difficult.
How To Relieve Nasal Congestion
The moment you notice your baby is a little congested, you probably begin wondering what you can do to help. Depending on the severity of the congestion, you have varied options.
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When Is A Stuffy Nose Or Congestion Cause For Concern In Babies Or Toddlers And When Should You Call The Doctor
If your baby takes a break from nursing because she cant breathe and suck at the same time, that can be distressing to both of you. Try a few saline drops in her nostrils to loosen the mucus and then very gently suction her nose with an infant nasal aspirator to clear out her nasal passages.
A cool-mist humidifier in her bedroom and exposure to steam from the shower can also help just make sure to gradually remove layers of clothing when the bathroom gets warm and put them back on when you leave the room.
If your childs stuffiness is accompanied by a fever, ear pain, a sore throat and/or swollen glands, or you suspect there is a foreign object stuck in her nose, call your pediatrician right away. If your little one’s breathing becomes labored, even through the mouth, that also warrants an immediate call to your pediatrician’s emergency line or 911 .
You’ll also want to consult your doctor if you suspect an allergic reaction to any environmental pollutants, which is rare in babies, or if the nasal discharge is green, bloody or smells bad.
Sometimes those secondary symptoms are hard to discern in a baby, so if youre worried about your little ones plugged-up nose and her general comfort, a call to your practitioner is a good idea anyway, if only to ease your mind.
Keep Your Baby Hydrated
Its always a good idea to ensure that your baby is adequately hydrated. This is especially crucial if your little one is congested.
Hydration is beneficial because the extra fluids can help flush out any excess mucus or other substances clogging your babys sinuses. Give your child plenty of breastmilk, formula, or both.
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Chest And Nasal Congestion In Newborns And Babies
Chest and nasal congestion are common symptoms associated with the common cold and other respiratory infections. However, because your baby canât simply blow her own nose, youâll have to take steps to help relieve your babyâs congested nose and chest. Find out how you can help treat your babyâs congestion at home, and when you may need to see her healthcare provider.
When To Get Medical Advice
Symptoms get worse or new symptoms develop
Nasal discharge persists for more than 10 to 14 days
Fast breathing. In a newborn up to 6 weeks old: more than 60 breaths per minute. In a child 6 weeks to 2 years old: more than 45 breaths per minute.
Your child is eating or drinking less or seems to be having trouble with feedings
Your child is peeing less than normal.
Your child pulls at or touches his or her ear often, or seems to be in pain
Your child is not acting normal or appears very tired
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The Importance Of Hydration In Easing A Newborns Blocked Nose
Our final tip is all about hydration. By keeping their fluids up whether thats with breast milk or water youll help prevent your babys mucous membranes from drying out. Your baby gets rid of any germs in their system through mucus, so by thinning the mucus with fluid youll be encouraging it to flow quickly and easily.
Of course, this is easier said than done, as little ones often struggle to feed when their nose is blocked. Try sitting them up, and take plenty of breaks so that they can catch their breath between swallowing sessions.
With these approaches , your babys blocked nose should get better soon, and theyll breathe easy again. If it lasts longer than a couple of weeks youre wondering whether your babys stuffy nose is down to allergies or you think your child has something stuck up their nose, contact your GP for advice.
What Does It Mean If My Babys Mucus Changes Color
The kind of mucus your baby has and its color can signal that your baby is healthy and well. It can also mean that your little one is under the weather.
Heres what to look out for:
- Clear mucus. You can assume your baby is completely fine.
- Thicker white or gray mucus. This could be OK or it may be due to a sinus congestion.
- Yellow mucus. Your baby might have a mild cold or be slightly dehydrated.
- Green to brown mucus. This can be concerning because a bacterial or viral infection may turn mucus a greenish shade.
- Red or brown mucus. Your baby may have blood or dirt in their mucus and needs to get checked out right away.
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If Baby Sounds Congested Knowing The Common Causes Of Infant Congestion As Well As Some Tricks To Ease Baby’s Suffering Can Make You Both Feel Better Quickly
It can be perfectly normal for otherwise healthy babies to go through periods where they sound congested and stuffed up, but when is a babys stuffy nose something to worry about? While seeking professional medical advice from a doctor or nurse should always be your first line of defense, knowing what commonly causes infant congestion and learning some ways to ease babys suffering can make you both feel better quickly.
When To Call A Doctor
Be sure to see your doctor right away if your baby is younger than 3 months old and their stuffy nose is making it difficult for them to nurse. If the congestion is related to a cold, you also should call your doctor. Colds in babies this young can quickly become dangerous problems like croup, brochiolitis, and even pneumonia.
You also should call your doctor if your baby’s congestion is accompanied by other symptoms like crankiness, a fever of 100.4 or higher, or lethargy.
For children older than 3 months, call your doctor for an appointment if their nasal congestion lasts longer than 10 to 14 days. You also should contact your doctor if your baby has a fever over 102, is lethargic or cranky, appears to have ear pain, or has a cough that won’t go away.
And, regardless of your baby’s age, get help right away either by going to the emergency room or calling 9-1-1 if your baby’s congestion is making it difficult for them to breathe. Some signs that your baby is struggling include nostrils that get larger with each breath, skin around the ribs sucking in with each breath, fast breathing, or lips or nails that are turning blue.
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How To Deal With Babies Congestion At Night
Babies congestion at night is a popular childhood matter, resulting from the blood vessels and the swelling of the issues inside the nose. The National Library of Medicine points out that large numbers of cases of nasal congestion are caused by bacterial or viral infection and self-resolve within a week.
If your childs congestion is accompanied by some other signs such as facial swelling, blurred vision, prolonged coughing episodes or serious throat pain, or your baby congestion lasts more than two weeks, go to see your childs doctor for consulting.
When To Visit The Doctor
Most of the time, baby congestion is nothing to worry about. But you should visit the doctor if your little one has difficulty breathing, wheezing noises, trouble feeding, or a fever. Also make an appointment if congestion doesn’t clear within four or five days. In this case, your doctor might be able to inform you about how to clear a baby’s stuffy nose.
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Keep Infants Head Raised
Make sure that your babys head is raised at around 30-degree angle in order for the mucus to drain. You can fold a blanket and then place it at the head of the crib under the beds mattress .
In order to put a curb on drainage and for acute symptoms, you can additionally place your baby in a car seat offering an angled position or keep him straight against your chest while seating or standing. These both methods can hold the infants head straight, which makes the mucus flow downward.
Remove Boogers From Nose
Something that always seems to come hand-in-hand with nasal congestion in newborns and infants are boogers. Boogers are fairly common in babies in general, but when theres congestion, boogers can clog and block the nasal passages. Some parents will try removing their childs boogers with their fingers, but this can be unsafe. Luckily, theres a tool available in the baby care products: The oogiebear! The oogie bear is a baby booger removal tool, that can also clean babys ears, safely and easily. This baby booger remover is made of soft rubber and has two ends a loop end for remove sticky boogers and a scoop end that acts as a booger scooper. The oogiebear is the best way to safely and effectively clean your babys nose and ears!
The next time your newborn or infant is congested, hopefully these tips will help you relieve their stuffy nose. If you want to help relieve congestion in your little one by removing boogers, you need to buy the oogiebear! To learn more about the safe and easy way to remove baby boogers, visit the oogiebear site!
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