How To Take Care Of Newborn Baby Skin

When It Comes To Products Keep It Simple

How to Take Care of Newborn Skin | Infant Care

You dont need many products to provide care for your babys skin. In general, less is often better. Many conditions that affect your babys skin, including patches of dry skin, will typically clear without the use of lotions or creams.

If you do need to use a product, follow the advice of your babys doctor. In general, you should avoid products that contain:

  • dyes
  • perfumes

Some products you may want to have on hand to care for your babys skin include:

  • baby shampoo and soap that have gentle cleansers
  • baby wipes that are fragrance- and dye-free
  • diaper cream

Your babys skin is prone to getting rashes however, a lot of common rashes, patches, and spots may not need treatment. These include:

If the rash doesnt go away on its own after a few days, or if your baby is in obvious discomfort or has a temperature of 100°F or higher, you should take them to see their doctor.

Do your best to identify any triggers that may have caused the rash, but keep in mind that rashes are common and a normal part of childhood.

Dealing With Tape Or Other Adhesives For Medical Equipment

Tape and the sticky electrodes and probes from monitors, IVs, feeding tubes, or respiratory equipment can all damage the delicate skin of a preemie. You’ll definitely want to pay attention to the skin under and around these sticky items. If your baby’s skin is not irritated, you can leave the adhesive on as long as possible.

When it’s time to remove tape, don’t pull it off. Instead, soak the tape or sticky material with some water to loosen it and help it come off more gently and easily.

Baby Skin Care: Tips For Your Newborn

Youve brought your newborn home, and youre getting used to your new daily schedule. The most important thing is to keep your baby warm and well-fed. Baby skin care is no less crucial.

Baby skin care and immune system is extremely important and you must be well educated regarding the same. Clothing, detergents, and baby products that contain chemicals, fragrances, or dyes can irritate, dry out, chafe, or rash newborn skin. However, there are a plethora of things you can do to keep your baby safe from developing any of skin issues.

Here are a few points to keep in mind regarding baby skin care and health

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From Diaper Rash To Summer Skin Allergies Newborn Baby’s Skin Is Prone To Different Skin Issues Initially Which Should Be Taken Care Of

Handle your newborn’s skin with a lot of love

Holding your little bundle of joy the first time is a blissful feeling, and while you do that, all you want is to be extra careful about not hurting their tender skin. The skin of your newborn baby is very delicate and needs a lot of pampering. Considering the skin’s sensitive nature, taking proper care is important to prevent rashes and allergies.

The skin of babies takes time to adjust to the new environment around him and faces immense challenges of nappy/diaper rash, changes in temperature and humidity, and exposure to soaps and shampoos. Besides, the human skin is best when one is a baby and taking good care of a newborn’s skin will go a long way in maintaining great skin throughout their life.

Here are some essentials you can consider for promoting favourable health and texture of your little one’s skin.

Your newborn baby’s skin needs some extra attention

Where To Find More Information About Your Baby’s Skin

Infant Skin Care Dos and Donts

While your baby is in the hospital, try to ask as many questions as you can. And, when possible, try to do as much as you can to participate in your baby’s care while the nurses are around to help. The more you learn and do before you get home, the more confident you’ll feel.

Once you get home, you’ll begin to take your baby to the pediatrician for regular checkups. Write down questions as you think of them, and bring them along to your appointments. And, of course, if there’s something that just can’t wait, you can always call the doctor’s office.

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Time To Show Some Extra Love To Your Baby’s Skin

Handle your newborn’s skin with a lot of love. In addition to the tips mentioned above, make sure the new outfits of your little munchkin are clean and washed and you make them wear loose clothes to prevent prickly heat rashes. Refrain from using baby powders which may result in respiratory distress and chemical detergents or chemical-laden baby products that are often known to lead to allergic reactions.

Your baby deserves every bit of pampering you can offer and a soothing massage with your own hands is not just good for the baby’s skin, but it also fosters a healthy bond between the two of you. Go ahead and do your best to gift smooth and happy skin to the apple of your eye!

Breasts And Genitals In Newborns

Quite often, a newborns breasts are a little swollen and ooze some milk, whether they are a boy or a girl.

Your newborn’s genitals may appear swollen initially but will look normal within a few weeks. Baby girls also sometimes bleed a bit or have a white, cloudy discharge from the vagina.

All this is caused by hormones passing from you to your baby before birth. Do not be concerned.

Boys’ testicles develop inside their body and sometimes take a while to descend into the scrotum. A health professional will check whether they have descended as part of the newborn physical examination.

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First Bath Of The Newborn

  • The first bath should be after 24 hours.

  • Bath should be in a warm room.

  • The babys clothes should be removed in the bathroom itself.

  • The bathtub, if being used, should be filled with water up to 5 cms or up to the babys hip level.

  • Always check the water temperature before bathing the baby. Ideal temperature is 37 37.5-degree Celsius.

  • No bath toys to be used.

  • Bath should be quick, less than 5-10 minutes duration.

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How To Take Care Of Baby’ Skin? | Baby Skin Care Tips | Tips To Keep Your Baby’s Skin Health

The problem with synthetic baby products:

As we are fond of saying, just because it smells mild, has the words âgentle or soothingâ on it and promises not to cause tears, does not mean it is actually mild or even remotely good for your child.

A Missouri based jury passed a verdict last year asking Johnson & Johnson to pay damages of 72 million dollars to the family of Jacqueline Fox, whose death by ovarian cancer was linked to her daily use of Johnsons baby powder and Shower to shower talcum powder.

A study by the campaign for Safe Cosmetics examined baby and childrenâs products for the presence of 2 probable human carcinogens â 1,4 dioxane and formaldehyde. Both of these are not put in intentionally by manufacturers, but are toxic by products that are formed because of the presence of other chemicals in these products. The research study showed that over 61% of the baby products surveyed , contained these 2 chemicals in more than trace quantities.

1,4 dioxane is a common contaminant by product when sulphates like SLeS , polyethylene, polyethylene glycol , ceteareth, oleth, oxynol, -xynol, and PEG are present in products. A quick read of the back of label of many baby products would find many of these chemicals listed in your babyâs âgentle shampooâ or âmild bodywashâ.

What the 5000 year old science of Ayurveda has to say on looking after babies and their skin:

The tenets of Ayurvedic baby care:

Ayurveda recommends 5 tenets to care for your baby.

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How To Take Care Of Newborn Babys Skin

Congratulations! You are expecting your baby! A new mother will have so many questions regarding a newborns care. Topping the list of queries is How to take care of my newborn babys skin?

You may be bombarded with advice from your friends, mother and of course grandmother! To add to this, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, your social media feed will probably filled with ads suggesting different baby care products.

As a paediatric dermatologist practicing in Kochi, I see babies of different ages, ranging from a few weeks up to teenagers. And in almost all the cases, the common questions I get asked is about which soap to use and which moisturiser to use for my baby?

This blog attempts to address how to take care of a newborn babys skin. These skin care methods can be continued throughout childhood. This blog is based by the guidelines given by the Indian Association of Pediatrics.

Circumcision And Umbilical Cord Care

Immediately after circumcision, the tip of the penis is usually covered with gauze coated with petroleum jelly to keep the wound from sticking to the diaper. Gently wipe the tip clean with warm water after a diaper change, then apply petroleum jelly to the tip so it doesn’t stick to the diaper. Redness or irritation of the penis should heal within a few days, but if the redness or swelling increases or if pus-filled blisters form, infection may be present and you should call your baby’s doctor immediately.

Umbilical cord care in newborns is also important. Some doctors suggest swabbing the area with rubbing alcohol until the cord stump dries up and falls off, usually in 10 days to 3 weeks, but others recommend leaving the area alone. Talk to your child’s doctor to see what he or she prefers.

An infant’s navel area shouldn’t be submerged in water until the cord stump falls off and the area is healed. Until it falls off, the cord stump will change color from yellow to brown or black this is normal. Call your doctor if the navel area looks red or if a foul odor or discharge develops.

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Newborn Skin Soaks Up Calming Touch

Giving your newborn a massage is important one-on-one time. Like cuddling, a massage is a way to convey your love and affection for your baby. In fact, research shows that a baby’s very survival depends on being touched by others — as touch triggers hormones, boosts immunity, and helps fight disease. Also, massaged babies are calmer, sleep better, and cry less — every parent’s dream!

There’s no special technique to massaging a baby. Find a carpeted floor in a warm room. Simply lay baby on a soft blanket or fabric. Get a little baby oil or a gentle lotion. Warm it in your hand. Then gently massage baby’s chest and tummy — using a gentle yet firm touch. Try to make eye contact and talk to your baby. Sing softly.

If there’s any fussing, baby may not be ready for a massage. Or the massage may be too forceful, so use a gentler touch. It’s the time spent together that’s most important.

Out And About With Baby

Top 10 Dry Skin Care Tips For Babies

26. Enlist backup. Make your first journey to a big, public place with a veteran parent. “Having my sister with me for support kept me from becoming flustered the first time I went shopping with my newborn,” says Suzanne Zook, a mom in Denver.

27. If you’re on your own,“stick to places likely to welcome a baby, such as story hour at a library or bookstore,” suggests Christin Gauss, a mom in Fishers, Indiana.

28. “Keep your diaper bag packed,” says Fran Bowen, a mom in Brooklyn. There’s nothing worse than finally getting the baby ready, only to find that you’re not.

29. Stash a spare. Holland Brown, a mom in Long Beach, California, always keeps a change of adult clothes in her diaper bag. “You don’t want to get stuck walking around with an adorable baby but mustard-colored poop all over you.”

30. Finally, embrace the chaos. “Keep your plans simple and be prepared to abandon them at any time,” says Margi Weeks, a mom in Tarrytown, New York.

If nothing else, remember that everyone makes it through, and so will you. Soon enough you’ll be rewarded with your baby’s first smile, and that will help make up for all the initial craziness.

Heather Swain is a mother and writer in Brooklyn, New York. Her novel is Luscious Lemon.

American Baby

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As Soon As The Baby Is Born

The baby is covered with a protective layer called Vernix Caseosa. This is a layer that has moisturizing and anti-bacterial properties. This should not be wiped off completely.

If the baby is covered by faeces or blood, it is gently wiped by a wet cloth and is dried completely using a dry cloth. This step is usually done by the neonatologist attending the delivery.

The baby is then swaddled using a dry cloth and is handed to the mother.

Prickly Heat Skin Irritation

Prickly heat is also known as miliaria rubra. It is due to a sweat gland dysfunction. Prickly heat in a baby appears on the neck, diaper area, armpits, and any skinfolds most likely to be prone to increased sweating. The rash may itch as well. Keep the infant cool and it’s likely the baby will avoid this reaction. In most cases, prickly heat resolves within a couple of days, but speak to a pediatrician about other options if it persists.

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Keeping Your Newborn Healthy

  • 1Give your baby “tummy time” every day. Since your baby spends so much of its time on its back, it’s important to also give your baby time to stay on his tummy so that he develops both mentally and physically and strengthens his arms, head, and neck. Some doctors say babies should get 15-20 minutes of tummy time a day, while others say that you should just place your baby on his tummy for 5 minutes during different parts of the day as he develops.
  • You can start with tummy time as soon as a week after the baby is born, once the umbilical cord falls off.
  • To make tummy time fun, get level with your baby. Make eye contact, tickle your baby, and play around.
  • Tummy time is hard work, and some babies will be resistant to it. Don’t be surprised — or give in — if this happens.
  • 2Care for your newborn’s umbilical cord stump. Your baby’s umbilical cord stump should fall off within the first two weeks after they’re born. It will change in color from a yellowish green to brown and black as it dries and falls off on its own. It’s important to care for it properly before it falls off to avoid infection. Here’s what you should do:XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Keep it clean. Clean it with plain water and dry it with a clean and absorbent cloth. Make sure to wash your hands before you handle it. Stick to giving your baby sponge baths until it falls off.
  • Your baby also may just need to be burped.
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