Whats The Difference Between A Colicky Baby And A High Needs Baby
Some people might refer to a colicky baby as a high needs baby, but theres a difference.
Colic can also cause frequent, prolonged crying in infants . But when a baby is colicky, their cries are more often caused by digestive discomfort, maybe due to gas or a milk allergy. The body language of a colicky baby could indicate tummy pain arching their back, kicking their legs, and passing gas.
Another key difference is that colicky babies can have regular routines. They dont become overstimulated by people or noise, and theyre generally not as demanding or consistently active.
Another thing to keep in mind is that colic crying tends to calm down around 3 to 4 months of age. Excessive crying with a high needs baby may continue for the first year of life or longer.
Your Baby Has Separation Anxiety
Some is perfectly normal, especially around 6 to 12 months.
But given time, some babies dont flinch when left in the care of relatives or a babysitter. If they feel safe and their needs are met, theyre usually OK.
A high needs baby, on the other hand, may not be as adaptable. They develop a strong attachment to their parents and might even seem to strongly favor one parent over the other.
Because of separation anxiety, your baby wants you , and only you. So any attempts to drop them off at day care or with another caregiver may be greeted with screaming that might continue until you return.
Why Do Kids Cry For No Reason
Sometimes, babies will start to cry for no reason, when in fact, they are crying because they are so so tired, as their little brains and bodies have been working overtime to take in the sights, sounds, and inputs of the surroundings. The same is actually true for older babies, toddlers, and children .
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How Colic Affects New Parents
Although it’s not harmful in itself, colic can still take its toll. For starters, it puts terrible pressure on new parents. “It sent my husband and me into therapy,” confesses Catherine McManus, a mom from Oviedo, Florida. Excessive crying is also associated with giving up breastfeeding, overmedication of babies, postpartum depression, and shaken-baby syndrome.
Colic is nerve-racking, but it’s helpful to remember that it’s also temporary. “Colic is not your baby’s defining personality trait,” says Laura Jana, M.D., coauthor of Heading Home with Your Newborn . “Once the colic is gone, your child can have a completely different personalityspunky, sensitive, crabby. But colic is not going to tell you which, because it doesn’t carry over.”
When To Call The Doctor
If your baby’s crying is incessant, no doubt you’ve already had several powwows with your pediatrician. “Even though colic is normal, it’s not something you should keep quiet about, because there will be babies who do have something else,” says Larry Scherzer, M.D., assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington.
Apart from fussiness, additional red flags that could indicate a more serious medical condition include frequent vomiting, fever, loose or bloody stools, poor weight gain and feeding, eczema, and lethargy. Keep a diary that tracks how often your baby cries, sleeps, eats, and poops and pees. Any difficulties with feeding or spitting up may help you discover if there’s a pattern to the crying.
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Characteristics Of A High Needs Baby
To be clear, babies are supposed to cry. They cant walk, talk, or feed themselves, so crying is the only way for them to let you know their needs.
But if you have other children or youve been around other babies, you may feel that your baby cries more than normal, and you might even joke that your baby entered the world being difficult.
But fussiness in itself doesnt mean that you have a high needs baby. Compare notes with enough parents and youll find some fascinating stories: Babies who only smile during diaper changes and frown at all other times, babies who cry the moment they see a new face, babies who are grumpy for 7 hours straight thats hours, plural during the so-called witching hour.
But all jokes aside, if your babys temperament is more consistently intense than other babies, you could have a higher maintenance child on your hands.
Your Baby Doesnt Have An Everyday Routine
A regular, consistent routine can make parenting easier. This will help maintain a measure of control and reduce your stress. And many babies benefit from routines as well. But unfortunately, routines dont always work when caring for a high needs baby.
If your baby is unpredictable, getting them to stick with a routine is difficult, if not impossible. They might wake up, nap, and eat at a different time every single day.
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New Study Says That Its Okay To Let Babies Cry At Night
- By Claire McCarthy, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing
ARCHIVED CONTENT: As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date each article was posted or last reviewed. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.
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When my eldest was a baby, I remember feeling so torn when she cried during the night. Our pediatrician and my mother both said that it was okay to let her cry for a while and let her learn to go back to sleep. But as I listened to her cry, I wondered: Will this make her too stressed? Will it damage her emotionally? Will it ruin our relationship?
The answer to all of those questions, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics, is no. Not only that, if Id done it , my daughter and I might have gotten a bunch more sleep.
To measure the effects on the babies, the researchers did something interesting: they measured the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the babies saliva. They also asked the mothers about their levels of stress. Twelve months later, they looked for any emotional or behavioral problems in the babies, and they also did testing to see how attached the babies were to their mothers.
We can get sleep and still have well-adjusted kids who love us. How great is that?
Your baby will be fine.
Why Does My Baby Wake Up Crying Overnight
Its one thing when your baby wakes up in the middle of the night gurgling, cooing and playing with her toes. Its another when she seems to be in distress. While not all cries are signs of discomfort, your baby could be dealing with temporary sleep disruptors like illness, teething, separation anxiety or other age-appropriate fears.
Newborns cry often. Most sobbing sessions are unrelated to urgent needs, and may even help baby calm down and get to sleep. If your older baby cries overnight after a stretch of sleeping through the night without fussing, learning to decode the hidden messages in those sounds will help you decide what to do.
Here’s why an older baby might be waking up overnight:
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Managing Newborn Crying: Tips
If your baby cries a lot, it can be frustrating, upsetting and overwhelming. Its OK to take some time out until you feel calmer. Put your baby in a safe place like a cot, or ask someone else to hold your baby for a while.
These ideas might help you and your baby:
- Reduce the stimulation around your baby for example, try sitting with baby in a quiet, dimmed room.
- Swaddle or wrap your baby. This can help your baby feel secure.
- Hum a gentle, calming tune. Your baby knows your voice and prefers it to other sounds.
- Lay your baby on their side in the cot and rhythmically pat their back. Gently turn baby onto their back if they fall asleep.
- Try putting in some imaginary earplugs. Let the sound of the crying pass through you, and remind yourself that everything is OK. Youre doing all you can to help your baby.
- Take your baby for a walk in the pram or a sling. Movement can sometimes be soothing.
- Try playing white noise like a fan or the radio tuned to the static between stations. This can help to settle your baby.
What Are The Signs Of A Growth Spurt
As mentioned before, its likely that there will be some behavioral changes that suggest your little one is putting in extra work on growing. Seeing the following signs can mean that a burst of growth or development is in the works.
- Additional feedings. If your baby is suddenly very interested in cluster feeding or doesnt seem as satisfied after finishing their bottle of breast milk or formula they may just have an increased appetite to match the demands of their growing body.
- Change in sleep. This can go hand in hand with the extra feedings . This change can mean waking early from naps, more middle of the night wakings, or longer or more frequent naps. In fact,
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When Is It Something To Worry About
If your baby has a cranky period in the evening hours, but is otherwise growing well, is healthy, and doesnt have any concerning physical symptoms, there is likely nothing to worry about. You can take a this too shall pass approach to the whole thing.
Sometimes your baby may be fussy for more serious reasons, and you should always take these concerns seriously. Dr. Ganjian recommends taking your baby to the pediatrician if they have a fever or arent wetting their diapers. You should also speak to your pediatrician if your baby is crying for more than 3 hours in a 24 hour time period, he says.
Dr. Johns recommends a pediatrician visit if your baby is sick with a fever, vomiting, or is having trouble breathing. If any baby is truly inconsolable then its reasonable to have a conversation with a babys pediatrician, she recommends.
Reasons Why Baby Cries At Night Suddenly 2021
Its the wee hours of the night and everybody is sound asleep, including you which has just fallen asleep 30 minutes ago after soothing your fussy baby.
Then, youll hear another hysterical cry from your 3-month-old baby which has made you jump from the bed again. This happens almost every night and you are always asking the universe, When will this ever end?.
Dont you worry, mommy! In this article, you will be enlightened as to Why Baby Cries at Night Suddenly.
According to a study by Antonia Reuter et al., it is important for parents to establish good sleeping routines for babies to decrease the likelihood of having long-lasting problems in settling your child to sleep.
For us, moms, it is honestly frustrating and exhausting to be sleep deprived for months, especially if you are still recovering from giving birth but we really have no choice but to calm and soothe our babies out of our unconditional love. Lets run down the reasons why your little one cries at night with some solutions to help you out of course!
Understanding why babies cry at night
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How Can I Prevent Night Wakings
Whatever the reason for your baby who suddenly cries at night, here are some of the tips on how you can help your baby soothe and minimize waking up in the middle of the night.
- Develop a good sleeping routine. Having a good sleeping routine works in letting your child sleep continuously at night. You can prepare them for about 30 to 45 minutes before bedtime. Whether you want to read them books or sing with them a lullaby theyll eventually feel sleepy.
- Feed him a lot during the day. Let your babies finish their last bottle of milk within the day before bedtime to let them refrain from getting hungry in the middle of the night.
- Dont habiduate them to play at night. Never allow your baby to play at night especially if its already near bedtime. Dim lights and lie down with them until they become sleepy. You must also refrain from changing their diapers while theyre asleep as theyll pretty much wake up if they feel it.
- Never skip naps. It may sound like a good thought to skip daytime naps for babies who often wake up in the middle of night, but actually it will never be a good idea in real life. This nap is crucial in keeping your baby healthy and maintaining a good sleeping routine.
What To Do About Colic
Pediatricians may be sympathetic and recommend Mylicon drops or gripe water, but often doctors will tell parents to just be patient, because colic is not harmful and will go away on its own. Of course, in the midst of all that crying, having someone tell you to be patient may seem impossible to consider. In order to make it through, you will have to develop some great self-care strategies and enlist support.
Focus on one day at a time .
Ask your doctor to consider the possibilities of food allergies or acid reflux , which can be remedied. If you are breastfeeding, you can try adjusting your diet to see if that affects your babys crying spells.
Ask for helpsupport from your spouse, family, friends, and a babysitter or nanny will be essential to getting through the first few months of your babys life.
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Why Babies Need So Much Help In The Evening
Many pregnant women notice that their unborn baby seems most active when they lie down at bedtime. This could be because they have stopped walking around and lulling their baby back to sleep!
It is common for newborn babies to continue this pattern of evening wakefulness during the first few weeks after birth. By about 6 weeks, most babies are learning that the night is for sleeping, and will begin to settle to sleep more quickly after a feed. You can gently help your baby learn the difference between night and day by taking him out in the daylight, especially in the morning, and keeping the lights low at night.
Another reason for babies to be unsettled by the end of the day is that their brains feel like they are on fire! Babies brains are growing amazingly fast they double in size in the first year. Every day, they take on lots of new information and experiences, and by the evening they are so excited by the days learning that it takes them a long time to wind down towards sleep.
In busy households, with other adults and children coming back at the end of the day, some babies may find all the extra activity overwhelming, too. And if its been just you and the baby all day, by the evening you may be feeling frazzled yourself, and in need of nurture and care, just like your baby! Unlike adults, babies cant just switch off and relax they need lots of help from calm, loving adults.