How To Burp Your Newborn

Why Won’t My Baby Burp

How to burp a baby

Dr. Gellner:

People have been burping babies for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. Does that make it right? We finally have the ability to study this, and guess what? Someone actually did the study in 2014.

The researchers studied two things with relation to burping, colic symptoms and spit-up. Both of these are harmless, but as a mother of boys that did a lot of spitting up, and one with really bad colic I can understand why it’s such a big deal for parents.

What’s The Best Position To Burp My Baby

Support your baby’s head and neck, make sure their tummy and back is nice andstraight , and rub or pat their back gently. You don’tneed to spend ages burping your baby, a couple of minutes should beenough.

There are a few ways to burp your baby. Try them all out and see whichworks best â or use a combination:

The Importance Of Burping Your Baby

Burping your baby should always follow a feeding session. This is because when your baby eats whether from a bottle or breast they will swallow some air. That air gets trapped in their tummy as little air bubbles that need to be released.

When you burp your baby, youre helping the air bubbles escape. If they dont escape, this can cause discomfort and your little one may become fussy and cranky.

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Why Its So Important To Burp Your Newborn

Babies often swallow air when they feed, either from breast or bottle, which hurts their tummies and can make them fussy. This trapped air, or gas, needs to be released, and burping is the best way to help your baby get rid of that gas, writes Lauren Adler, MD, a pediatrician in our Westchester Health Pediatrics group, in a recent blog. By burping your baby frequently during and after each feeding, you can hopefully keep painful gas pains to a minimum.

For breastfeeding moms, we at Westchester Health recommend burping before switching breasts. For bottle-feeding moms, we recommend burping between every 2-3 ounces for newborns up to 6 months old.

Hold On Your Shoulder

How to Wind (Burp) Your Newborn

If you feed your baby in a semi-upright position, you can gently move them all the way upright and onto your shoulder. Babies can keep sleeping in this cozy position while the pressure from your shoulder pushes on their tummy to release gas. Keep a burp rag over your shoulder if your baby tends to spit up.

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How Long Do You Have To Burp A Baby For

There is no specific length of time for which you should burp your baby. Instead, aim to burp your baby frequently during his feeding: If youâre bottle feeding, burp him after every two to three ounces of milk. If heâs nursing, burp him each time he switches breasts.

We hope these tips can help you burp your baby during feeding time to ensure sheâs more comfortable.Donât forget to stock up on plenty of diapers, which you will surely need after all these feedings and burpings. Earn points for all your purchases by using the Pampers Club app and use all your points to get rewards like coupons, toys, and gift cards.

How Do I Burp A Sleeping Baby

Babies love to fall asleep while eating. If this happens you will still want to burp them to realize that air. If your baby is sleeping try using the over-the-shoulder method and gently prop them up there.

Softly and gently rub and pat the bubbles away. Once you have buried your baby for a few minutes place them in their bed to sleep.

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What Happens If You Dont Burp A Baby

So your baby fell asleep before you could give her a good pat on the back? Good news: Burping a baby can help relieve excess gas, but not all babies need to be burped. In general, breastfed babies tend to swallow less air and, therefore, may not need to be burped after every feeding. If your baby sleeps comfortably without burping after nursing, consider yourself lucky! If your baby is extra fussy or squirmy after feedings, she may have excess gas and could benefit from being burped.

When To Stop Burping Your Baby

Newborn Burping Techniques

There’s no definitive age to stop burping your baby, but as your little bundle gets older and their digestive system becomes more mature, burping will become less of a necessity, says Dr. Landau. You’ll likely see this change around 4 to 6 months, when your baby starts eating solid food. That said, if you still notice your baby is gassy, continue with burping and other gas-relief techniques until you feel they aren’t needed.

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How Long Will Burping A Baby Take

If your baby is easy to burp, then burping only takes a few minutes or seconds. At times, my baby lets one out as soon as I lift him to my shoulder. Other times, they come out as your baby feeds.

If you have a newborn that is hard to burp, it takes longer. It might take five to ten minutes to get a good one to come out.

Will Baby Grow Out Of Needing To Be Burped

As babys digestive system develops, theyll naturally swallow less air during feedings, and burping will become less important. Youll likely notice that baby naturally becomes less gassy when they start eating solids.

This varies from baby to baby, though. Some babies may still swallow air and become gassy when theyre a bit older. If you notice continued gassiness, colicky crying, excessive spitting, or other stomach discomfort, keep up the burping routine. The same goes if baby has GERD.

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When Ought I To Burp My Infant

There are no set guidelines for when to burp your infant some need it during feeding and some need it after. Keep an eye out for signs if your baby seems uneasy when feeding, take a brief burping break. Wait till they have completed eating if they seem fine while doing so. Your infant will alert you.

More Burping Positions To Try

Are You Burping Your Baby Incorrectly?

Sit baby upright on your lap. Lean baby forward with babys tummy against your hand. The pressure of your hand on babys tummy might bring up wind. Rub babys back gently with your other hand.

Place baby face down on your lap or your forearm so baby is looking sideways and is supported by your knee or hand. Rub babys back gently with your other hand.

Some babies might be unsettled during and after a feed until theyve been burped. Burping your baby part way through a feed might help. Use the position that works best for your baby.

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Debunking Old Wives’ Tales: Do Babies Need To Burp After Feeding

New parents may worry that their newborn will have stomach problems if she doesn’t burp after feeding. But pediatrician Dr. Cindy Gellner says not to worry: the air in your baby will find a way out. She explains symptoms associated with colic and spitting up symptoms and why new parents shouldn’t worry.

One question I get a lot from new parents, is that they can’t get their baby to burp. Is this a big deal or not? Is it just an old wives tale that not burping your baby will cause stomach problems? That’s today’s topic on The Scope. Im Dr. Cindy Gellner.

Aug How To Burp Your Baby: Basics Tips And Positions

Does your newborn get grumpy after mealtimes? Dont be offended. Its nothing to do with you. Its probably because shes swallowed some air alongside her milk, making her uncomfortably full. The solution? Burping.

Try these burping tips and positions to bring up the air and ease your babys digestion.

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How Long To Burp A Baby

Try to burp a baby for a few minutes.

There is no specific time frame in which all babies burp, and some babies may not burp at all.

In most cases, a baby develops their own habits. Once a parent knows these habits, they should burp for the usual length of time it takes to get a burp.

If the baby does not burp and does not seem upset, there is no need to continue attempting to burp them.

When Should You Burp Your Baby

Baby basics: How to burp your baby

Give a breastfeeding newborn a chance to burp as youre switching breasts. If theyre only feeding from one breast at each feed, go for a mid-feed burp. If your Bub is squirming or uncomfortable, try burping before offering more milk.

A formula-fed infant can be burped every 60 to 90mls, or when they seem to be uncomfortable. If your little one falls asleep happily at the end of a feed, theres no need to wake and burp.

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Why Wont My Baby Burp

How to burp a newborn that wont burp: Your baby wont burp because she doesnt need to. This could be the case if over the age of six months.

However, newborns will almost certainly have taken some air in when feeding its almost unavoidable, so they will probably need help burping.

If your baby is hard to burp, those air bubbles have just got a little stuck. So the positions you normally use to burp your baby dont do the job, leaving you stuck with a newborn that wont burp and has gas or even with a baby that cant burp and is in pain.

Causes Of Newborns Gassiness

Although there is just anecdotal support for this, some individuals think that newborns who are bottle-fed are more prone to experience gas. As they guzzle from bottles, babies may be exposed to more air, which could lead to overfeeding. However, each child is unique, and even breastfed infants can experience extreme flatulence, sometimes as a result of dietary sensitivities.

Even though its rare, a breastfeeding mother might have to try numerous different foods before determining exactly what she ate to upset her babys tummy. A mother cannot be informed by a reliable study as to the precise reason for her babys excessive gas. Additionally, a lot of babies with gas dont seem to mind it.

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What Age Do You Stop Burping Your Baby

Burping and spitting up are both normal aspects of feeding your newborn, and you should expect your infant to require burping for the first 4 to 6 months after birth. This will gradually stop when your baby learns how to swallow less air during feeding. As your baby grows, he or she will be able to finish meals on their own without needing any burping breaks.

Typically, this occurs when your baby is anywhere between 6 to 9 months old and can sit up by themselves. When your baby is able to sit up for longer periods on their own, they usually begin to develop self-burping skills.

However, every baby is different and some may take a little longer before they learn how to manage burping on their own. It is always good to pay attention to your babys behaviour for any cues that they may need help.

How To Burp Your Baby: Positions To Try

Everything you Need to Know About Burping a Baby

Here are three burping techniques that have stood the test of time. After trying each of them out, youâll probably settle on one that works best for you and your baby:

  • Hold your baby upright against your chest with his chin on your shoulder, all the while supporting him with one hand as you gently pat his back with your other hand.

  • Place your baby on your lap with him sitting up, all the while supporting his head and chest with one hand while you softly pat his back with your other hand.

  • Lay your baby on your lap with his belly faced down, all the while supporting his head so itâs higher than his chest, and pat his back.

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    What If Baby Just Doesnt Burp Much

    If youve used the right burping technique and baby doesnt seem to burp much, theyre just fine as long as they dont seem uncomfortable. Some babies naturally swallow less air, and some babies pass enough gas to reduce their need for burping.

    Of course, if baby doesnt seem to be burping enough and still seems uncomfortable, talk to your pediatrician. They can help you figure out whats causing babys discomfort.


    All health-related content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the advice of your own pediatrician in connection with any questions regarding your babys health.

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    See the FDA Peanut Allergy Qualified Health Claim at the bottom of our homepage.

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  • All health-related content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the advice of your own pediatrician in connection with any questions regarding your babys health.

    FDA Acknowledges Qualified Health Claim Linking Early Peanut Introduction and Reduced Risk of Developing Peanut Allergy in 2017:

    If your infant has severe eczema and/or egg allergy, check with your infants healthcare provider before feeding foods containing ground peanuts.

    When You Switch Breasts

    If you breastfeed from just one side at each feeding, you can burp your baby when they stop nursing. To do so, when the baby is done feeding on one side, bring them back to the skin-to-skin position on your chest, with their head to the side, says Abdul-Rahman. After you burp them, offer the same breast again to see if your baby wants more. Then, when the feeding is complete, burp your baby again.

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    Prevent Gas When Your Baby Wont Burp

    One of the best ways to help when baby wont burp is to prevent the gas from building up in the first place.

    Here are some suggestions for breastfeeding and bottlefeeding.


    • Keep baby well-fed
    • Be careful about milk letdown
    • Try different nursing positions
    • Talk to a lactation consultant
    • Learn to latch your newborn correctly

    Bottle Feeding

    • Test the flow through the nipple first
    • Always use the right nipple size for your babys age
    • Test the temperature of the liquid to make sure its not too cold or too hot
    • Hold the bottle at an angle that allows minimal airflow into the liquid
    • Try different formulas to see if your baby digest them better
    • Talk to your doctor or pediatrician

    Taking steps to prevent excess gas from building up in your little ones belly may help avoid the times when your baby wont burp.

    And, as your little one gets older, they may grow out of the need to burp altogether.

    Which Position Is Ideal For Burping My Infant

    How to burp a baby

    Your baby can be burped in a few different ways. Try each one to find which one works best, or try a combination of them:

    baby over the shoulder burping

    • the other shoulder
    • With your shoulder supported and your babys chin resting on it, stroke and pat your babys back while supporting the head and shoulder region with one hand. It would be beneficial to move around while performing this.

    infant snoring while on your lap

    • perched on your lap
    • Face away from you, and place your infant on your lap. Support their chin and jaw with your palm flat against their chest avoid applying pressure to the throat region. Leaning slightly forward, pat or softly stroke your babys back with your free hand.

    a baby lying over the lap is burping

    • slouching on your lap
    • Lay your infant face down across your lap. Use your free hand to gently pat or rub your babys back while holding their chin up .

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    Allergic Reactions Or Food Intolerance

    If you are breastfeeding, your baby may also have a sensitivity to some of the food you eat and feel belly pain as a result. The most common food reaction in babies is adairy intolerance, particularly from ice cream, cheese, or yogurt that mom has eaten, says Dr. Shalini Forbis, a pediatrician and a Dr. Mom Squad blogger for Dayton Childrens Hospital in Ohio. Babies who are formula fed may also experience a similar intolerance, which creates more gas.

    But What If The Baby Seems Uncomfortable

    Talk to your doctor about it. He may recommend gas drops or gripe water after feedings or suggest a position that works perfectly for a baby that wont burp.

    And just to make you feel a little better when you cant get baby to burp, there is little scientific evidence that justifies any benefits of burping a baby.

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    Why Do Newborns Need Burping

    Babies usually need to burp when they take in air while eating, which makes them feel full too fast. “This happens more often with bottle-fed babies, who tend to eat faster,” says Erika Landau, M.D., a pediatrician in New York City and coauthor of The Essential Guide to Baby’s First Year. “But breastfed babies swallow some air as well, especially if the mother has a lot of milk or has a fast letdown, or if the baby is very hungry and wants to eat fast.”

    Gas may also be caused by the breakdown of certain foods in the large intestine by bacteria. This includes the food that the baby consumes, as well as food the mother consumes and passes on through breast milk. Some of the most common offenders are beans, vegetables , sugar-free candies and gum, and soda and fruit drinks.

    Finally, if a baby has an intolerance to certain foods , their body may react by creating more gas. Dairy intolerance is the most common culprit here, says Dr. Forbis.

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