How To Calm A Gassy Newborn

Gas Relief For Babies

How to Soothe a Gassy Baby

Watching a gassy baby struggle in pain can break any parents heart. Luckily, there are several baby gas relief options to help release the gas and soothe the discomfort. Read on to learn how to relieve gas in babies.

Swaddling. Wrapping baby up tight can soothe your gassy baby by mimicking the coziness of the womb.

Rocking or bouncing. As with swaddling, OConnor says, the motion of rocking or bouncing simulates the environment in your uterus, helping to relax baby.

Using a pacifier. Almost all babies will find some baby gas relief by sucking on a pacifier, OConnor says, because the sucking action releases endorphins that will soothe them.

Infant massage. Simply rubbing your childs belly may be helpful, since massage can help calm the nerve signals in babys immature intestines.

Tummy time. Some babies find gas relief from the gentle pressure thats put on the stomach during tummy time. Just make sure theyre supervised while doing this, Grossman cautions.

Encourage movement. If your gassy baby is in severe discomfort, try the baby bike ride. Lay baby on their back and move their legs in an up-and-down pedaling motion. This helps move gas along physically, but also helps soothe and calm nerves in the intestines.

Switch up babys formula. For a formula-fed baby, you can try a different formula thats made for gassy babies, Grossman says.

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Overabundant Breast Milk Supply

Producing an overabundance of breast milk can create a strong letdown and/or flow that causes your baby to gulp in extra air as they suck. This can result in excess gas in their tummy. You can often remedy this situation by pumping or hand expressing for a few minutes before breastfeeding.

Typically, an overabundance settles down as your body gets in tune with how much breast milk your baby is consuming. If not, consult with a doctor or lactation consultant to help you manage your breast milk supply.

When To Call The Doctor

Once your baby’s feeding schedule has been established, her “special delivery” diapers may appear five or more times a day or as infrequently once every three days. That’s perfectly normal. As long as her stools are soft, she isn’t constipated. But you should call your doctor if:

  • Your baby doesn’t poop for more than three days.
  • Stools are hard and pebbly, or much thicker than peanut butter.
  • Stools are thin or watery, or you see mucus in the diaper this may be diarrhea.
  • Stools are red or black, which could indicate bleeding.
  • Stools are white or clay-colored, which could be a sign of a liver problem. It could also be something less serious like a stomach bug or a specific medication she’s taking all the more reason to contact your pediatrician right away for a proper diagnosis.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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How Long Should You Burp Your Baby

There is no specific length of time needed for burping your baby. The more important factor is how often you burp him. With that in mind, burp your baby frequently throughout feeds, even when it looks like he doesnât need to be burped.

Waiting until after a feeding to burp your baby may mean your little one has swallowed too much air and may be fussier, so itâs better to stop feeding every so often and try to burp your little one. You could also try paced bottle feeding, which slows the flow of breast milk or formula from the bottle, which could help prevent gas.

Here are some tips for burping your baby during a feeding:

  • If youâre bottle feeding , youâll want to burp him after every two to three ounces of milk.

  • If youâre breastfeeding, burp your baby each time he switches breasts. Some breastfed babies may not need to burp as often, as they may not swallow as much air.

  • If your baby hasnât burped after some time, go back to feeding. Not every baby burps every time you want him to burp.

If your baby shows any of the following signs, you may want to burp him more regularly â for example, after every ounce of milk during bottle feeding or every five minutes during breastfeeding:

After a feeding is over, keep your baby in an upright position for 10 to 15 minutes. This can help prevent him from spitting up. You may need to burp him longer if he does spit up or has been diagnosed with GERD.

Babies Are Naturally Gassy But You Can Take Preventive Measures To Keep Your Little One Comfortable Here Experts Share What To Do For A Gassy Baby

4 Ways to Calm a Gassy Baby #iviarice1979

New parents are often surprised by the big noises that come out of a small baby. Newborns can be quite the audible orchestra, and gas is often part of the repertoire. “Gas is a normal part of the digestive process, but it’s also involved in most intestinal complaints,” says Jeremiah Levine, M.D., director of pediatric gastroenterology at NYU Langone Health. “Too much gas is usually a symptom that something else is going on.” So what causes baby gas and what are the signs of a gassy baby?

Learn more about what causes babies to be gassy, how to know whether your baby’s gas is normal or a cause for concern, and how to help your little one cope with gas-related discomfort.

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Reasons To Call A Doctor

Most of the time, its normal for an infant to have gas and its treatable. In rare instances, more serious problems of the digestive tract can also cause gas. You should contact the doctor immediately if your infant exhibits any of the following:

  • They are vomiting, arent passing stools, or have blood in their stools.
  • They are extremely fussy. If you arent able to calm your baby, a doctor can check to rule out any problems.
  • They have a high temperature. If the rectal temperature of your baby is 100.4 F or more, make sure a doctor rules out an infection. If your baby is younger than three months and has a fever, take them to a doctor immediately.

It is very common for babies to become gassy, and there are a number of reasons for that. Babies swallow air while crying, sucking a pacifier, and eating. Furthermore, babies digestive systems are still developing, which can sometimes lead to gas and a bloated belly. A gassy baby may belch, burp, pass gas, and have a hard distended tummy. You can follow certain tips to help relieve gas and make your baby feel better. In rare instances, certain symptoms may indicate a more serious problem. If your baby is experiencing gas along with other, more serious symptoms, get them checked by a doctor.

May 10 2019

Burp During And After Feedings

Because gas bubbles tend to form from air that sneaks in during feeding, burping is your friend. It releases the air that can turn into gas bubbles in the tummy. Although itâs standard practice to burp your baby after feeding them, if they suffer from gas, you can try burping during feeding as well. This can help provide your baby some gas relief, especially at night when feeding before bed.

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Giving Your Diet A Makeover

Sometimes, all it takes is a little tweak to your breastfeeding diet to help your baby get relief. Some foods can be problematic. Dairy is a huge culprit. Try eliminating for 2 weeks and see if it makes a difference. Other foods like cruciferous veggies and legumes are known to cause gassiness in breastfed babies. If you suspect that your diet is affecting your baby, eliminate problem foods and see if your baby feels better. Learn more about the best breastfeeding diet here.

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How To Soothe Your Gassy Baby

The Colic Hold: How to Hold and Calm a Crying or Gassy Baby

A gassy baby is often a fussy baby but there are plenty of ways to soothe them. Get a run-down on what causes gassiness in infants and how to treat it.

When your infant looks uncomfortable, you want answers and sometimes, that answer comes by way of passed gas. But does a baby burp or flatulence mean something is wrong?

The good news is gassiness is completely normal, says Dr. Asha Shajahan, medical director of community health for Beaumont Hospital in Grosse Pointe.

Every baby is gassy, she says. Its actually very normal for babies to be gassy because their digestive tract is not developed yet.

Some kids are gassier than others, of course and there are a variety of reasons, she says. But its not usually due to a breastfeeding mothers diet.

Its kind of a misconception that foods that make you gassy like broccoli and cabbage . The way that its metabolized is different in the person ingesting it.

Although dairy in a mothers diet is sometimes linked to gassiness, thats usually the least reason for the baby to be gassy, she says.

Meanwhile, the real leading cause of gassiness in infants is related to the actual mechanics of feeding.

The same principle applies with bottles.

If the nipple is too big or if theyre being fed too fast, you can have gas, she says. And if youre shaking the bottle to mix the formula, make sure air bubbles are all settled before feeding baby.

This post was originally published in 2019 and is updated regularly.

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I Have A Very Gassy Baby Is This Normal

Gas is not a medical condition. Baby gas pains are typically brief and relieved when a baby burps or farts. The good news is infant gas pains improve over time. By the age of 4 to 6 months, the gut has matured and your baby can move more efficiently, decreasing the bouts of painZeevenhooven J, Browne PD, LHoir MP, de Weerth C, Benninga, MA. Infant Colic: Mechanisms and Management. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 15:479-496. .

How To Get Baby To Latch Step By Step

Here’s a guide to helping your baby latch on and get the nourishment and comfort she needs:

  • Once your baby is in a good breastfeeding position, hold your breast with your free hand.
  • Place your thumb above your nipple and areola at the spot where your baby’s nose will touch your breast. Your index finger should be in the spot where your baby’s chin will touch the breast.
  • Lightly compress your breast, giving it a shape more closely resembling your baby’s mouth.
  • Bringing your baby to your breast, stroke her cheek to allow the rooting reflex to kick in, and turn her mouth toward your breast then tickle her lips with your nipple until her mouth is open wide .
  • Quickly bring her to the breast , allowing her to take your nipple and areola into her mouth. She won’t get the entire areola in her mouth, especially if yours is large, and that’s okay as long as she grabs onto a good part of it.

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What Does It Mean If My Baby Is Gassy

Simply put, a gassy baby is a typical baby.

The digestive systems of new borns and babies under the age of six months are still developing. This means that food may not always be fully broken down, resulting in gas and/or trapped air in the stomach and/or intestines. Babies’ tummies are so little that excess air can readily fill them up, causing pain and pressure.

What’s the good news? Usually, the soreness is just temporary. It dissipates, just like gas.

Tips To Soothe A Gassy Baby

Pin on Baby message techniques

If your baby frequently experiences gassiness, youre not alone. A gassy baby is very common and normal, especially during the newborn stages of life. Since babies have ample opportunities to swallow air during feeding and crying throughout the day, they are extremely prone to gassiness. The swallowed air easily gets trapped in the babys underdeveloped system, causing digestive upset.

If your baby cries for about an hour each day, seems upset most of the time, and isnt eating or sleeping well, he or she may be dealing with gas discomfort. Some babies also get red in the face or pull their legs to their chest when dealing with excessive gas.

Trying to console a baby with these symptoms can be frustrating. Luckily, there are several tips and tricks for soothing your gassy baby. And, we are here to help! Below are five of our top tips to soothe your little ones digestive discomfort.

1. Practice physical therapies

a. Practicing physical therapies on your little one can be very helpful in gas relief. Bicycling your babys legs, giving a tummy massage, and swaddling are just a few remedies.

i. You can also try the football hold by carrying your baby face down with the tummy on your forearm and legs around your wrist. Watch a video demonstration on how to do the football hold here. The pressure applied on your little ones tummy from gravity will help to release gas. A gentle back rub can also assist in this process.

2. Implement tummy time often

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When To Speak With A Doctor

While most baby gas cases are fairly harmless, there are times when you should seek professional help.

If your baby exhibits excessive crying, has long crying bouts three or more times per day, or just recently began crying after reaching their first month, contact your pediatrician.

Also call the doctor or seek medical help if your little one isnt eating, peeing, or having regular bowel movements.

Foods That Make Breastfed Babies Gassy

Though a babys gas is not commonly linked to moms diet, there are certain gas-inducing foods that could give both a breastfeeding mom and her baby gas. These include:

  • Fiber. Foods like bran, beans, and whole grains.
  • Fruit. Citrus fruits, prunes, plums, peaches, or apricots.
  • Vegetables. Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussel sprouts.
  • Garlic. Garlic-seasoned foods like pasta dishes or garlic bread.
  • Dairy. Yogurt, ice cream, or milk products.
  • Carbonated beverages. If they make you burp, they could make your baby gassy too.

Its not necessary to give up all your favorite foods when pregnant and/or breastfeeding. Health experts recommend only making dietary changes if you see a direct connection between something youve eaten and your baby’s gassiness.

Additionally, if youre still breastfeeding after your little one begins solids or finger foods, its easier to detect what food might be the culprit and then eliminate it.

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Adjust Your Bottle Technique

Bottle-fed babies can ingest a lot of bubbles. To combat this, tilt the bottle at an angle that fills the entire nipple with milk. “Otherwise your baby will suck in air,” Dr. Shu says. “More swallowed air means potentially more gas.”

If you use powdered formula, let the bottle settle first before giving it to your baby. Shaking and mixing often causes the bottle to be piled high with bubbles on top of the actual formula. You may also consider using a ready-made formula for gassy babies, as well as specially vented bottles that may reduce the number of bubbles.

Talk To Your Doctor About A Possible Formula Ingredient Intolerance


If youre formula feeding and baby seems gassy even when you take other steps to reduce gas, or even try a gentle formula baby may have an intolerance to a formula ingredient.

Food intolerances cause baby to develop GI symptoms, including gassiness, loose or abnormal stools, and abdominal pain, when baby eats foods that they are sensitive to.

Most commonly, if baby has a formula intolerance, its caused by cows milk in the formula. They could have an intolerance to lactose or to milk proteins.

If you think baby has a formula intolerance, talk to your doctor. Switching to an extensively hydrolyzed formula, like Nutramigen or Alimentum, may ease your little ones symptoms. These formulas contain milk proteins that are broken down into very small parts . They are also free of lactose.

But dont switch formulas until youve talked to your doctor about babys possible intolerance, and theyve given you the ok to switch.

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Where Is The Best Place To Do Tummy Time

In the newborn stage , you can start doing tummy time with your baby placed on your own belly or your lap.

Later on, the best place to do tummy time is on a low, safe surface, such as a clean floor, or a floor spread with a play mat or a blanket. Just make sure the blanket doesnât slide around as your baby moves.

You may be wondering if you can do tummy time on another surface. Avoid doing tummy time on a sofa or bed, or any other raised or soft surface. These locations can put your baby at risk of suffocation or of rolling off and falling unexpectedly. Also avoid doing tummy time on pillows and other soft surfaces.

Baby’s First Poop: Meconium

Did you notice greenish-black poop when you changed your newborn’s diaper for the first time? That’s meconium, a sticky, tar-like substance that gradually filled your baby’s intestines during her stay in your uterus.

Though it may look unsettling, it’s completely normal. In fact, that the meconium is in her diaper instead of in her intestines is a good sign now you know that her bowels are doing their job.

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