How To Tell If My Newborn Is Gassy

Their Cry Is More Intense

How to tell regular infant gas from a more serious condition

This may seem obvious, but some people brush off a more intense cry as a sign that their child is just really grumpy. But according to Michigan Universitys Health Department, intense crying can indicate pain in infants, noting that a babys cry may be more insistent, higher pitched, and may last longer than usual. Conversely, if they suddenly are reduced to a whimper, that could indicate that they are too ill to cry loudly.

What To Watch Your Baby For While You’re Breastfeeding

While most babies drink up breast milk no matter the flavor, a few have picky palates right from the start detecting and rejecting even the smallest hint of garlic or strong spices. Youll quickly tell which category fits your baby and modify your diet accordingly.

Its not common and hasnt been backed up yet by science, but some moms find certain foods cause gassiness and discomfort in their babies, with dairy and soy being the most common culprits. Some moms find that cutting out caffeine can also help reduce babys discomfort.

Keep in mind that these reactions are uncommon, so dont assume that your baby will be sensitive to what you eat. Other factors can contribute to gas. Its most likely just newborn business as usual.

It takes between two and six hours from the time you eat a certain food until it affects the taste and aroma of your breast milk. So if your baby is gassy, spits up more, rejects the breast or is fussy a few hours after you eat a specific food, try ruling out other causes and then monitor for a pattern before you eliminate any foods.

Overabundant Breast Milk Supply

Producing an overabundance of breast milk can create a strong letdown and/or flow that causes your baby to gulp in extra air as they suck. This can result in excess gas in their tummy. You can often remedy this situation by pumping or hand expressing for a few minutes before breastfeeding.

Typically, an overabundance settles down as your body gets in tune with how much breast milk your baby is consuming. If not, consult with a doctor or lactation consultant to help you manage your breast milk supply.

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Whats Normal Crying And Whats Colic

Dont be surprised if your newborn cries a lot. During their first 3 months of life, babies can cry for up to 2 hours a day.

If your baby has colic, though, they are more likely to:

  • Cry for what seems like no reason even when they dont need to eat or have their diaper changed
  • Start to cry in the evening, or at the same time every day
  • Cry for 3 or more hours each day, more than 3 days a week, for at least 3 weeks
  • Make sounds that are more intense than normal more like a high-pitched scream than a cry
  • Not be soothed, even when you feed or rock them

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Will My Baby Outgrow Their Gas Pains

What To Do If Your Baby Has Gas

Once your baby’s digestive system develops, they may have much less gas. This is likely to happen after the first few months of life, say by the time they’re 4 to 6 months old.

Of course, once your baby starts eating solid foods â also usually between 4 and 6 months â it’s possible for them to have a reaction to certain foods. Your baby may experience temporary constipation, for example, or a gassy tummy after eating certain gas-inducing vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

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Little Remedies To The Rescue

Gas pain can be triggered by things like colic, so products like Little Remedies Gripe Water or Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops are quick and easy solutions. Gripe Water, a mixture of water and various herbs, is considered to be an effective homeopathic remedy for quickly eliminating babys pain and discomfort. Gas Relief Drops can even be mixed with formula or water, so they offer a quick solution for gassy babies.

Babys First Poop: Meconium

Did you notice greenish black poop when you changed your newborns diaper for the first time? Thats meconium, a sticky, tar-like substance that gradually filled your babys intestines during her stay in your uterus.

Though it may look unsettling, its completely normal. In fact, that the meconium is in her diaper instead of in her intestines is a good sign now you know that her bowels are doing their job.

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Monitor Your Diet Or Change Formula

If youre strictly breastfeeding your baby, your diet can make a difference in how your baby digests milk. If you notice they are uncomfortable after being breastfed, they could be sensitive to the foods youre eating.

Monitor your diet to see if certain foods tend to cause your baby more discomfort and then avoid them, Boone said. Common foods that can cause gas include beans, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

Your baby may do well on a standard formula, but some may have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. Some babies do best with a low lactose formula like Similac Sensitive or Enfamil Gentlease and other do best with a formula containing probiotics such as Gerber Good Start Soothe or Gentle, Boone said.

Check with your babys provider first to address the gassiness and help you successfully make the switch.

Wendy Colson Rn Ibclc Rlc

How can I know if my baby has gas or reflux?

Nurse Wendy Colson RN, IBCLC, RLC has over 20 years experience in maternal-child health with an emphasis on human lactation. She works as a lactation consultant in the hospital and in private practice. She is also the CEO + founder of Boobie Bar, which includes her patent-pending proprietary herbal lactation blend in just ONE bar giving moms a third choice from herbal pills and teas.

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Common Latching Problems And Solutions

Having trouble breastfeeding? Here’s how to fix a couple of the most common latching problems:

  • Poor positioning. Don’t hunch over your baby and push your breast into her mouth. Instead, try bringing your baby to you.
  • Baby’s body is out of line. Make sure your babys head and body are facing you, so she can focus squarely on the task at hand.
  • Baby’s body is too far away. Mealtime is impossible if your nipple is out of reach.
  • An empty breast. Your baby may not latch because little or nothing comes out when she sucks.
  • Flat or inverted nipples. It can be more difficult, but not impossible, for a baby to latch on.

How To Relieve Gas In Newborns And Babies

If you have a gassy baby, there are several things you can do to help relieve their discomfort. Start by placing your baby on a flat surface, belly down. Lift them up slightly on their stomach and gently massage their belly, or place your baby on their back and “try moving their legs and hips around as if they were riding a bike,” Dr. Brown says. Often these kinds of motions break up bubbles and give gas an extra push to work its way out. “You can also try a nice, warm bath to relieve the discomfort,” Dr. Brown adds.

If you’re still faced with an unhappy infant, you might want to consult your pediatrician about trying some gas drops or to see if a formula change or diet-modification for a breastfeeding parent is needed. “Some babies are said to respond well to over-the-counter anti-gas drops containing simethicone,” Dr. Shu says. Another option is to consider what might be causing the excess gasâsuch as taking in too much air while feeding or eating gas-producing foodsâand see if you can reduce the bubble intake from the get-go.

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Is It Normal For A Baby To Be A Fussy Gas Eater

Frequency of gas is generally not a cause for concern, and a fussy baby might be perfectly normal, too. Unlike adults, babies pass gas with a little less decorum and a lot more enthusiasm. “She may seem uncomfortable or just downright fussy when shes got some gas that needs to come out,” says Ari Brown, M.D.,

Is Your Baby Screaming In Pain From Gas Or Something Else

Why is my baby gassy? Symptoms and treatment

When an adult has gas, it can be an uncomfortable experience. But most of us dont holler at the top of our lungs because of it.

Babies, on the other hand, cant explain their feelings, so crying and screaming are the only tools they have to tell us that something is wrong.

Babies cry for a variety of reasons, so its important to be sure that your child has gas before you attempt to source a remedy.

According to some experts, babies just like adults and children are constantlypassing gas. In a healthy baby, gas is usually caused by swallowing air and shouldnt be a source of pain or distress.

However, babies have new and somewhat immature digestive systems. This means that from time to time, things might not move as smoothly as they should. The result can be a bit of uncomfortable gas.

Gas can happen at any stage, but its incredibly common in the first 3 months of life . Gassiness usually subsides with time.

Some babies may also be born being extra sensitive to gas, which could make it more uncomfortable for them. This can occur in both formula-fed and breastfed or chestfed babies.

Your baby may get gas as a result of something in your diet if youre nursing.

While crying can be a telltale sign, there may be other signs that your baby is experiencing gas.

For example, they may:

  • become red in the face or seem like theyre in pain when crying
  • be very squirmy and pull their legs up to their chest

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How Can Parents Deal With Colic

Learning how to interpret your babys cry can be helpful in dealing with colic. It does take some time for parents and babies to become accustomed to each other. Remember, babies will cry for a certain length of time every day under normal circumstances.

What works for one baby may not work for another. Other suggestions include the following:

  • Make sure your baby is not hungry, but do not force feed if he or she is not interested in the bottle or breast.
  • Change your babys position. Sit him or her up if lying down. Let your baby face forward if you are carrying or holding him/her facing your chest. Babies like to see different views of the world.
  • Give your baby interesting things to look at: different shapes, colors, textures, and sizes.
  • Talk to your baby. Sing softly to your baby.
  • Rock your baby.

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Tips To Prevent Baby Gas Pain

While theres no way you can totally prevent baby gas there are things you can do to help make it less of a problem.

We already know that bottle feeding can make your baby gassier because its pretty easy for them to swallow more air than they should. Here are a few steps you can take to help prevent baby gas pain.

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What Can I Do To Help My Baby With Gas

  • Make sure your baby has a good latch so he doesnt swallow too much air.
  • Burp him throughout the feedings to help get rid of the gas.
  • Try not to let your baby overfeed or feed too quickly.
  • Keep track of when your baby is gassy and look back at your diet. Try to learn which foods work and dont work for you and your baby, and remember, each baby is uniquely different.
  • If you have further concerns regarding your babys feeding, infant gas or increased fussiness, be sure to discuss these with your babys pediatrician and/or a lactation consultant.

Each year during the first week of August, over 120 countries across the globe come together to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week. During this week, public health organizations work to publicly encourage breastfeeding in an effort to improve the health of babies around the world. This years theme is BREASTFEEDING: Foundation of Life.

To learn more about Texas Childrens Lactation Support Services, Milk Bank Services or breastfeeding services offered at Texas Childrens Pavilion for Women, please follow the respective links.

How To Prepare For Your Pediatrician Appointment

Why Is Your Baby Gassy? – Gas Relief for Babies from Pediatrician Dr. Steve Silvestro

Some degree of infant gas is to be expectedin fact, a happy, gassy baby is perfectly normal. But if youve implemented the tips above and are worried, or if you think your little one is in pain, call your pediatrician for an appointment.

Follow these tips below before you meet with the pediatrician. Also, when you book the appointment, ask your pediatrician if there is anything additional or specific you should do in preparation for the visit.

  • Write down all of your babys issues and your worries.
  • When do you notice the gas? Is it after eating? When baby first wakes up?
  • Does your baby seem to be in pain when they have gas? What are their issues: crying, fussiness, spitting up?
  • Log everything you are giving your baby.
  • Vitamins or other nutritional supplements
  • Type of formula
  • Note any changes in your baby lately.
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    Why Do Newborns Need Burping

    Babies usually need to burp when they take in air while eating, which makes them feel full too fast. “This happens more often with bottle-fed babies, who tend to eat faster,” says Erika Landau, M.D., a pediatrician in New York City and coauthor of The Essential Guide to Baby’s First Year. “But breastfed babies swallow some air as well, especially if the mother has a lot of milk or has a fast letdown, or if the baby is very hungry and wants to eat fast.”

    Gas may also be caused by the breakdown of certain foods in the large intestine by bacteria. This includes the food that the baby consumes, as well as food the mother consumes and passes on through breast milk. Some of the most common offenders are beans, vegetables , sugar-free candies and gum, and soda and fruit drinks.

    Finally, if a baby has an intolerance to certain foods , their body may react by creating more gas. Dairy intolerance is the most common culprit here, says Dr. Forbis.

    How To Help Relieve A Gassy Baby

    Anti-gas drops. The best thing you can do is try to eliminate or manage the offending habit or food thats triggering your childs gas. When your child does have uncomfortable gas pain, you can give her infant gas relief drops to help upper and lower gastrointestinal discomfort.

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    Signs And Symptoms Of Gas In Babies

    The only way a baby can communicate his needs and discomfort is by crying. Decoding your babys cries will require observation skills. He could cry because of hunger, pain, some discomfort, or gas and there are tell-tale signs for each. When he cries due to gain pain, his cries will be sharp, frantic, and intense. Some other signs of gassiness in babies are mentioned below.

    1. Arching the back3. Clenching the fists and straining4. Lifting the legs or pulling up the knees towards the chest5. Getting red in the face while crying6. Not eating or sleeping well

    Other Natural Gas Relief Medication For Babies

    Baby Not Pooping But Passing Gas: Causes &  How To â Big Baby Care

    There are some other options out there for dealing with newborn gas pain that arent as well known. Well go over a few of those options now.

    Gerber Soothe Probiotic Colic Drops

    These colic drops from Gerber are definitely worth giving a try. Its a probiotic that helps improve good bacteria in your babys digestive system. These have beenclinically shown to reduce your babys crying time by up to 50%, and itll also help with reducing spit-up. You have to use it consistently for a couple of weeks, but many parents swear by the efficacy.

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    When To Speak With A Doctor

    While most baby gas cases are fairly harmless, there are times when you should seek professional help.

    If your baby exhibits excessive crying, has long crying bouts three or more times per day, or just recently began crying after reaching their first month, contact your pediatrician.

    Also call the doctor or seek medical help if your little one isnt eating, peeing, or having regular bowel movements.

    Do Gripe Water Or Gas Drops Help With Gas

    Gripe water is an over-the-counter liquid supplement of sodium bicarbonate and herbs. Plenty of parents have sworn by it, but theres not much hard evidence it soothes gassiness.

    Im not personally a fan of most homeopathic remedies as there is little oversight to ensure the ingredients listed are contained in the amounts described, Boone said. I encourage parents, if you choose to use these products, to search for ones that take the extra steps to ensure the products safety by being manufactured in an FDA-inspected facility.

    However, gas drops like simethicone are a great option if your baby has gas trapped in their stomach and intestines. Many parents report improvement in fussiness relating to gas within 15-30 minutes of giving a dose of simethicone, Boone said. But check with your childs provider before starting any kind of medicine or supplement.

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