Lactose Intolerance In Babies
Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk including breast, formula and cows milk. Its an important source of carbohydrate but for our bodies to use it properly, it has to be broken down by an enzyme called lactase. If there is enough lactase produced, this is referred to as lactose intolerance, because the lactose cant be digested.
Babies can develop a temporary form of lactose intolerance called secondary lactose intolerance after an illness such as gastroenteritis. Symptoms of this normally disappear after a few weeks, when the lining of the gut heals, and the cells start to product lactase again.
Lactose intolerance symptoms
Symptoms of lactose intolerance in babies include:
Lactose intolerance treatment
Speak to your doctor if you are worried about the symptoms. Your doctor may recommend a lactose-free milk formula for a few weeks, until the symptoms have cleared.
Try this:you can also discuss with your doctor or pharmacist using Colief colic drops that contain a natural lastase enzyme to break down the lactose in milk.
Find The Right Formula
If your baby is formula-fed, try an easy-to-digest option to ensure it won’t upset your baby’s tummy. “For babies with gassy tummies, hard or pasty stools, or digestive upset with formula, it may be helpful to try a formula that has the milk proteins partially broken down already, which for some babies can make them easier to digest,” suggests Amy Lynn Stockhausen, M.D., an associate professor of general pediatrics and adolescent medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
“These are often labeled as ‘gentle,’ and often also contain less lactose than regular formulas. For some babies, it may also be useful to look for a formula that contains probiotics, as some research suggests that probiotics can be helpful to aid in digestion for fussy infants and are generally considered safe in this context.” Before you make these changes, however, it’s important to discuss the matter with your baby’s pediatrician.
When To See A Doctor
Lets face it: Vomiting is gross and sometimes borderline violent. Since its such a dramatic, unpleasant symptom, it can be tough to gauge the seriousness of the situation. So when should you tough it out at home and when should you call the doctor?
In general, the following warning signs in children mean its time to seek medical attention:
- a fever of 102°F or higher
- severe stomach pain
- refusal to drink fluids
- signs of severe dehydration, such as listlessness, fast heart rate, no tears, or no urine for 6 hours or more
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Make Greater Than A Part Of Your Routine
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A daily routine that involves movement, tummy time, stretches, and maybe even massage can help your babys digestive system get its work done and lessen the chances of developing a tummy ache.
Remember during this time that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your little one. Make time to eat healthily, get plenty of rest, and stay hydrated so that you and your little one can be in your best health.
Keep Baby Upright After Feeding
Youve probably heard the recommendation for adults with GERD to stay upright after eating and the same principle applies to babies with GERD.
Keeping your baby sitting following a feeding allows gravity to do its work of taking food down the digestive tract. Avoid letting your little one lie down for about 30 minutes post-feeding.
Sometimes, babys stomach pain isnt from run-of-the-mill gas or constipation. Occasionally, its a sign of something more serious.
The following symptoms warrant a call to the pediatrician:
- a fever of 100.4°F or above
- diarrhea that lasts more than 48 hours
- constipation that lasts more than a few days
- signs of extreme distress, such as nonstop screaming
- extreme fatigue
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Choose The Right Bottle
Hold the bottle so that the milk or formula completely fills the nipple to reduce excess air. Also, “try switching to a bottle that limits how much air the baby gets, like a Dr. Brown’s bottle,” Dr. Alt says.
You might also consider switching out the bottler nipple for one with a slower flow. If the flow of the milk from the bottle nipple is too fast, your baby may be forced to gulp and take in excess air while feeding.
Crying Isnt Always Colic
If your baby is not eating and growing normally, they are not experiencing colic. More likely, there is a medical issue that is impeding feeding.
Notify your pediatrician of this, or if your baby cries for extended periods of time , which could indicate an issue such as an ear infection, dehydration, or an illness.
If a baby under 2 months old has a fever of 100.4 degrees F or above, thats a potential emergency, so seek immediate medical attention.
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Colic Symptoms In Breastfed Babies
Typically, babies with colic are healthy babies that are eating and growing well. Yet, they cry consistently, and usually. at the same time each day. Here are some potential symptoms of colic.
- Displays high-pitched crying or screaming
- Becomes very hard to soothe
Keep Your Baby Upright
Let gravity do its thing by feeding at an angle. “Avoid feeding while the infant is lying down,” Dr. Loizides says. If you’re breastfeeding, try an upright football or laid-back hold. After your baby eats, don’t have them lie down right away. “It’s best to seat baby upright for 20 to 30 minutes to ensure proper digestion,” Dr. Montague says.
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When To Burp Your Baby
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends burping your baby regularly, even if they don’t show discomfort or release any gas when you burp them. “We do not know how much air gets in their little stomachs, so it’s a good idea to burp babies even if they do not get to the fussy stage,” recommends Dr. Landau.
Wondering how often to burp a newborn during feeding? Try fitting it in naturally, experts say. If you’re nursing, for example, burp before switching breasts. Bottle-feeding parents can burp between every 2 to 3 ounces for newborns up to about 6 months old. Burp your newborn after they’re done feeding too.
While a few babies need to be burped more frequently, many parents make the mistake of disrupting feedings with unnecessary attempts at burping. This prolongs the feeding time, which frustrates a hungry baby and increases air swallowing.
Medicine For Your Childs Vomiting
In the majority of cases, your child wont require medical intervention to stop vomiting. Most instances of throwing up will go away on their own. However, sometimes, if vomiting is severe or goes on for a lengthy stretch, your doctor may prescribe medication.
Zofran is an anti-nausea drug often given to chemotherapy patients and sometimes prescribed for severe vomiting and diarrhea in children. Though its likely to be given to your child in extreme circumstances only, such as in the emergency room or while hospitalized, its possible your pediatrician may prescribe it for at-home use.
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Tips For Tummy Trouble
Theres nothing worse than an upset baby except maybe an upset baby with tummy trouble! Here at Beech-Nut®, we love helping share ways to keep your baby happy and healthy, so we asked our real moms & dads what they do to help their babies when their tummies hurt due to common problems like gas and constipation. Although you should always consult a pediatrician if you need medical advice, here are 7 tips from our fans about how to help remedy unavoidable bouts of tummy trouble.
Let us know whats worked for your little one by finding us on or . Wed love to hear from you!
Easy And Effective Home Remedies For Stomach Pain In Infants
Are you a parent of an infant? Have you ever felt helpless seeing your kiddo crying incessantly and you were not able to understand the reason? Relax! Little ones may cry like that for several reasons, and one of them could be stomach pain. Stomach pain is a common occurrence in infants as their digestive system is slowly gradually adapting to the new types of foods. According to the caregivers of Childcare San Marino, CA, whenever you try to introduce any new food to your child, he may experience issues like gas, acid reflux, diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation. In most cases, stomach pains go on its own, but if he is crying continuously, you please follow the following home remedies to give him some comfort.
Give Warm Compress :
Whenever you feel that your kiddo is in stomach pain, please apply warm compress as it is a natural remedy for stomach pain. Just take a clean cotton cloth and soak it in warm water, and then gently press it against his abdomen. Most of the time, children feel much better after giving this warm compress.
Feeding Yogurt :
Sometimes, kids may have diarrhea along with stomach pain. In such cases, childcare experts of Childcare San Marino, CA suggest parents feeding yogurt to their children. Many of you must know that yogurt is rich in lactobacillus, which is an important bacterium for the intestine. It will restore the bacterial flora lost during diarrhea and help children feel at ease.
Give A Massage To His Tummy :
Help Him To Burp :
Bicycling :
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Lactose In Dairy Is Not Digestible
Pizza. Cookies. Donuts. Salad dressing. Creamer. Mashed Potatoes. Yogurt. Dairy is in a majority of foods , and really difficult to avoid. If you are a lover of all things covered in cheese, this can be a difficult food group to eliminate. Dairy products contain sugar and lactose, and some babies have a very sensitive stomach when it comes to digesting time. If you consume a large quantity of dairy and are concerned that it may be the reason why your breastfed baby is in distress, try eliminating it from your diet. It can take upwards of 3 weeks to completely get rid of all dairy in the body, but in some cases 10 days is enough time. Saying goodbye cheese and milk might be difficult at first, but there are plenty of vegan options available now that can be great alternatives should your little guy or girl have a gassy gut when you eat your favorite cheese pizza.
What Should I Do If My Diet Is To Blame
If you suspect that a certain food or foods may be causing your baby to have excess gas, try eliminating them from your diet for a certain period of time and pay attention to your babys response.
If you think a couple of foods could be the culprits, you could try eliminating them one at a time to determine whats really causing the issue.
Keep a baby journal or a note in your phone where you can track what youve eaten and how your baby has handled it.
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Causes Of Recurrent Diarrhea
- Cow’s Milk Allergy. Can cause loose, slimy stools in babies. Can be blood-streaked. Starts within the first 2 months of life. Need to avoid cow’s milk formulas.
- Lactose Intolerance. Lactose is the sugar in milk. Many people cannot absorb lactose. The gut bacteria convert the lactose to gas. The main symptoms are a lot of gas, loose stools and stomach bloating. Onset usually at age 4 or 5. This most often runs in the family .
Try A Warm Bath Or Towel
A bit of warmth can ease your baby’s upset stomach. “A warm towel isn’t a bad idea, or a warm bath can sometimes help your baby relax and move their bowels as well,” Dr. Alt says. “Just make sure they aren’t too hot!” Also, keep your baby comfy by avoiding diapers and waistbands that are too tight, Dr. Loizides suggests.
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Looking After Your Child At Home
In most cases, you can treat your child safely at home. The most important thing you can do is make sure they keep drinking fluids to prevent dehydration.
If your baby is vomiting, carry on breastfeeding or giving them milk feeds. If they seem dehydrated, they will need extra fluids. Ask your GP or pharmacist whether you should give your baby oral rehydration solution.
Oral rehydration solution is a special powder that you make into a drink. It contains sugar and salts to help replace the water and salts lost through vomiting and diarrhoea.
Children who are vomiting should keep taking small sips of clear fluid, such as water or clear broth. Fruit juice and fizzy drinks should be avoided until they’re feeling better. If they’re not dehydrated and haven’t lost their appetite, it’s fine for your child to eat solid foods as normal.
Again, speak to your GP or pharmacist if you’re concerned about dehydration. They may recommend an oral rehydration solution for your child. Contact your GP or practice nurse if your child is unable to hold down oral rehydration solution.
If your child has diarrhoea and is vomiting, they shouldn’t go to school or any other childcare facility until 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.
Rub The Foot Using Reflexology
“There are thousands of nerves in the feet and hands that, when specific techniques are applied, can cause the entire body to relax and feel calmer,” says Laura Norman, a reflexology practitioner and author of Feet First: A Guide to Food Reflexology. The tummy region corresponds with the center arch of the left foot. Using a reflexology technique, hold your child’s left foot with the palm of your right hand, and with your left hand under the ball of the foot, apply a steady, even pressure with your thumb.
Use a forward, caterpillar-like motion to go across the foot. Switch hands and repeat from right to left, with the thumb of your right hand, and continue until you cover the center of the arch. “The child will respond positively to their mom’s loving touch, the parent feels wonderful for being able to help their child, and the parent-child connection is strengthened,” Norman adds.
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Good Foods For Babies With Upset Stomachs
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It can be frightening for parents when their baby gets an upset stomach. Precautions must be taken to prevent dehydration, as babies can become dehydrated more quickly and easily than adults. Because of a baby’s immature digestive system, not all foods used to treat nausea and diarrhea in adults are appropriate. Try to feed a sick baby little by little instead of a lot all at once. If your baby’s upset stomach doesn’t seem to be getting better, or seems very severe, see a doctor.
Possible Causes Of A Newborns Stomach Ache
Like all humans, babies rely on bacteria in their gut to help break down the food they eat. This process causes gas buildup in the intestines.
However, babies digestive systems are still developing. This can make it difficult for them to pass gas when they need to. If your child isnt getting air up during burping, swallowing a lot of air during feeding, or being overly sensitive to their milk or formula, the excess gas in their system might be causing discomfort.
Acid reflux and indigestion are, unfortunately, not exclusive to adults. In fact, acid reflux can be a serious problem in infants.
If youve suffered from heartburn before, you know that the sensation is a difficult one to endure. Babies with GERD will likely arch their back, grimace, and may spit up more than usual.
Infant constipation is a common condition, but fortunately, it is rarely serious. Babies may become constipated when their diet or routine changes. Because babies digestive systems are not fully developed, passing regular bowel movements is not always to be expected.
Infant constipation can have unpleasant repercussions. Your baby may be uncomfortable and bloated or suffer from cramps and stomach discomfort. This is one of the more common causes of stomach aches in infants. If you suspect constipation, speak with your pediatrician right away.
Food sensitivities
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Tips To Soothe Your Babys Stomach Ache
- Give him a tummy massage, by gently massaging your babys belly in a circular motion to relieve the stomach ache.
- A warm bath may help in relaxing your baby and soothe his tummy ache as well.
- Remember to burp your baby after every feed to prevent gastric issues and stomach aches.
- Move your babys legs in a cycling motion to help him pass gas.
Stomach pains in babies can be due to a lot of reasons, but it is rare that the pain is due to a serious disease or condition. Most of these pains can be treated at home or go away after a while. Consulting a doctor is essential not only to determine the cause for the pain but also to find the suitable treatment that will relieve the pain.