How Many Hours Newborn Baby Sleep

Newborns Are Noisy Sleepers

How Much Should a Newborn Sleep – Baby Sleep Patterns

Irregular breathing that may include short pauses and weird noises is rarely cause for alarm, but it can freak new parents out.

Here’s a quick lesson on your baby’s respiratory development to put things into perspective: A newborn’s normal breathing rate is about 40 to 60 breaths a minute while he’s awake, though that may slow to 30 to 40 breaths per minute once he’s asleep. Or he might take shallow, rapid breaths for 15 to 20 seconds followed by a total pause in which he stops breathing entirely for a few seconds.

You can blame all this on the immature breathing-control center in his brain, which is still a work-in-progress.

Sleeping On The Couch With A Newborn In Your Arms Is Really Dangerous

We get it, falling asleep on the sofa with an infant curled up on your chest is one of the best feelings in the world. Many an exhausted new mom has nodded off for a bit while her sleeping baby is sprawled across her lap or nestled up all warm and cozy on a breastfeeding pillow. But according to the American Academy of Pediatrics , this kind of co-sleepingon a couch or armchairis a serious newborn sleep mistake. Its way more dangerous than co-sleeping in a bed, due to the risk of dropping or smothering the baby. If youre going to nap or sleep with your infantdoctors say not to, but they know many parents do itopt for bed-sharing .

What Can You Do If Your Child Doesnt Sleep Enough

It is estimated that 25% of young children deal with sleeping problems or excessive daytime sleepiness, and these issues can affect older children and teens as well. While the nature of sleeping challenges vary, parents should talk with their children about sleep and raise the issue with their pediatrician if there are signs of severe or persistent problems, including insomnia.

Helping children sleep often starts with creating a bedroom environment that is peaceful, quiet, and comfortable. Finding the best mattress for your childs needs and minimizing distractions, such as from TV or other electronic devices, can make it easier for children of any age to get consistent sleep.

Establishing healthy sleep habits, including a stable sleep schedule and pre-bed routine, can reinforce the importance of bedtime and cut down on night-to-night variability in sleep. Giving children an opportunity to use up their energy during the day and to unwind before bedtime can make it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.

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How Long Do Newborns Sleep

Congratulations! Youve brought your new little one home! You might have already noticed that your newborn sleeps most of the time: usually around 14 to 17 hours in a 24-hour period.

In the first 6 months of life, your baby will almost double their size and weight. All this hard work means they need plenty of sleep and food.

But even though babies sleep a lot, parents and caregivers are still exhausted.

Your baby will probably interrupt your sleep every hour or so for a meal or a diaper change. Some babies also prefer being more active and playful at night than during the day.

Babies normally wake up ravenous for a feed every few hours. Even if they dont wake up on their own, youll have to wake them up to eat every 23 hours until theyre above their birth weight.

New little ones have stomachs the size of an acorn. This means they get full quickly, but must feed every 1 to 3 hours even if this means summoning you from sleep in the middle of the night!

When Should I Seek A Doctors Help

3 Reasons Why Your Child is Not Sleeping Well

Contact your healthcare provider if:

  • Your baby seems to be extremely fussy/irritable or cannot be soothed he/she may have a medical problem such as colic or reflux .
  • Your baby appears to have a breathing problem.
  • Your baby has a difficult time being awakened from sleep.
  • Your baby is uninterested in feeding or persistently shies away from activity.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 03/17/2020.


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sudden Unexpected Infant Death and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Accessed 3/23/2020.
  • National Sleep Foundation. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sleep. Accessed 3/23/2020.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment. November 2016, 138. Accessed 3/23/2020.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Safe Sleep. Accessed 3/23/2020.
  • American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Sleep Education. Healthy Sleep Habits. Accessed 3/23/2020.

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To Help You Figure Out The Early Weeks Of Newborn Sleep Weve Put Together A Handy Sleep Schedule Of How Much Your One

Your new baby needs lots of sleep: a newborn should get 14-17 hours of sleep per 24 hours , according to the National Sleep Foundation.

A one-week-old baby will likely sleep in spurts because they need to eat often to ensure proper weight gain, and, of course, they need plenty of diaper changes. Your newborn might even fall right back asleep after filling their tummy However, if your baby is sleeping through feedings, ask your pediatrician for advice.

How To Help Newborns Get In Sync With The Natural 24

1. Make your baby a part of your daily routine.

When parents include their newborns in their daily activities, newborn may adapt more rapidly to the 24-hour day .

One study took continuous measurements of mother-infant activity patterns for four months after birth. Newborns who were active at the same time of day as their mothers were quicker to develop mature circadian rhythms .

2. Reduce stimulation at night.

When your baby wakes for night time feedings, keep activity to a minimum. Make as little noise as possible, and avoid moving your baby around. Ideally, you want to avoid waking her all the way up. But if that isnt possible, at least try to minimize the hustle and bustle. You want the baby to learn that nighttime is for sleep and quiet.

3. Expose your newborn to natural lighting patterns.

Light cues might not instantly synchronize newborn sleep patterns, but they help.

For example, in one study, newborns slept longer at night if their parents observed a regular policy of turning out the lights by 9pm .

In another study, young babies tended to sleep longer at night if they had been exposed to lots of early afternoon light .

And time spent outdoors might make an important difference. Babies who go outside experience much higher daytime light levels than those kept indoors all day, and may develop stronger circadian rhythms as a result .

4. Try infant massage.

The takeaway? More research is needed on this topic , but meanwhile, this seems worth a try.

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How Much Sleep Does Your Baby Need

Newborns sleep about 16 hours a day, usually in 3- to 4-hour periods. Your baby needs to eat every few hours, which is why she doesnt sleep for longer periods of time. Your baby may get cranky or overtired if she doesnt get enough sleep.

Dont be surprised if your baby can only stay awake for an hour or two. Over time, her body gets into a sleep pattern. She starts sleeping for longer stretches, even during the night. If youre worried about your babys sleep, talk to her health care provider.

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What Are The Sleep Patterns Of A Newborn

Newborn Baby Sleeping Too Much – Should You Be Worried?

The average newborn sleeps much of the day and night, waking only for feedings every few hours. It’s often hard for new parents to know how long and how often a newborn should sleep. Unfortunately, there is no set schedule at first, and many newborns have their days and nights confused. They think they are supposed to be awake at night and sleep during the day.

Generally, newborns sleep a total of about 8 to 9 hours in the daytime and a total of about 8 hours at night. But because they have a small stomach, they must wake every few hours to eat. Most babies dont start sleeping through the night until at least 3 months of age. But this can vary a lot. Some babies dont sleep through the night until closer to 1 year. In most cases, your baby will wake up and be ready to eat at least every 3 hours. How often your baby will eat depends on what he or she is being fed and his or her age. Make sure you talk with your healthcare provider to figure out if you need to wake your baby for feedings.

Watch for changes in your baby’s sleep pattern. If your baby has been sleeping consistently, and suddenly is waking more often, there may be a problem. Or your baby may be going through a growth spurt and need to eat more often. Some sleep disturbances are simply due to changes in development or because of overstimulation.

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What Do Newborn Sleep Patterns Look Like

During the first day of life, most babies are alert for about an hour, and then they can fall into deep sleep for 12 to 18 hours.

Once you bring your newborn home, you should cuddle your baby and offer feedingsbut even if your baby suckles, the breasts contain very little milk on the first day. Dont worry! Your early breastmilk called colostrum is rich in protein, antibodies, and nutrients to get your baby off to a great start. Additionally, like a little camel, your baby is born with an extra pound of food and water in her body.

Over the next day or so, your baby will become increasingly awake and begin the classic patternawake for 1 to 2 hours, then sleeping for 2 or 4that will dominate your baby’s life for the first month.

To better understand your baby’s sleep patterns, it’s a good idea to read up on infant sleep cycles. We’ve got a sleep cycles primer, here. Once you begin to learn your little one’s sleep patterns, the better equipped you’ll be to get rest yourself!

Actions For This Page

  • Newborns generally sleep 12 to 16 hours in a 24-hour period and do not know the difference between day and night.
  • Newborns need regular feeding, so they usually sleep in short periods.
  • Newborns sleep in short bursts, known as sleep cycles which are usually around 20 to 50 minutes long.
  • In the first three months of life, babies cry a lot it is their main way of communicating.
  • From approximately two weeks to three to four months of age, newborns go through a stage of increased crying, which will be at its worst at 6 to 8 weeks of age.

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How Long Do Newborns Typically Sleep

Most newborns sleep for around 89 hours during the day and 8 hours at night. Most also wake up at least every 3 hours to feed.

However, this timing varies widely. Some newborns may only sleep for 11 hours per day, while others may sleep for up to 19 hours per day. Also, newborns may sleep more or less than usual when they are sick or when they experience a disruption to their regular routine.

Most newborns also do not sleep in one stretch. They usually sleep for only about 12 hours at a time, though some may sleep a little more or less than this. In the first couple of weeks, it is normal for a newborn to wake up to feed and then go right back to sleep.

As newborns grow into infants, they begin to develop a schedule. They eventually start sleeping longer at night, though they may still wake several times to feed.

How To Wake Baby For Feedings

Nap Schedules: 5 Months to 25 Months

If babys perfectly healthy but just a tad sleepy, celebrate the fact that you have a good sleeper on your hands! But when you need to rouse your little snoozer for a feeding and are running into trouble, you might have to use a few tricky tactics. Here, a few tips:

Unswaddle baby. Sometimes it just takes a little less coziness to get baby to wake up. Take off her swaddle blanket and undress her a bit, and she just might feel cool enough to open her eyes.

Change babys diaper. A little freshening up can help wake baby.

Place baby on a firmer surface. Putting baby someplace where she may feel a little vulnerable can help rouse her, says Leigh Anne OConnor, a lactation consultant and La Leche League leader.

Give baby a sponge bath. A gentle sponge bath with a warm, wet washcloth is likely to get baby to perk up.

Stroke babys back. Running your fingers up and down babys spine can help keep her awake to feed, Ganjian says.

Very gently blow in babys face. Sure, baby might give you a weird look, but this move can help startle him awake enough to eat, Ganjian says.

Try a wet washcloth. If all else fails, placing a cold, wet washcloth on babys foot should help rouse her, says OConnor.

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Sleep Between One And Three Months

As your baby becomes more wakeful during the day, their sleep pattern may change. They might start having longer sleeps at night maybe even around four to five hours.

Most babies still need night feeds, and help to settle back to sleep.

If your baby was premature, or had a low birth weight, your doctor might recommend you only let your baby sleep for a certain amount of time before waking them for feeds.

Baby Sleep Schedule: 2

Your day should start around…

6 to 6:30 AM

Bedtime should be around…

8 to 10 PM

When to Feed: Your baby’s stomach is a little bigger now, so they’ll stay full for longer, but babies at this age still typically need to be fed every few hours – including throughout the night.

Zen tip: Here’s when you can start implementing a baby bedtime routine. You’ve probably already picked up on the things that seem to soothe your baby. Stories? Baths? Swaddling? Try some different calming activities out and develop a nighttime routine that helps relax your baby and prepare them for sleep. Having a consistent routine is SO important for healthy sleep.

Overstimulation in the evening can make it difficult for your baby to settle to sleep. Try bathing, cuddling, singing, playing quiet music or reading, with a clearly defined end point when you leave the room. Begin these activities before your baby is overtired in a quiet, softly lit room. – Mayo Clinic

The Zen Swaddle makes a great addition to any bedtime routine. It’s gently weighted center and sides help soothe babies more than a traditional swaddle blanket. The weight helps to mimic your touch, so they can feel your loving embrace, even once you put them down to sleep. Additionally, the Zen Swaddle is effective in combating Moro Reflex, which is prevalent in most babies until 5 to 6 months old.

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Helping Your Newborn Sleep

Newborns follow their own schedule. Over the next couple of weeks to months, you and your baby will begin to settle into a routine.

It may take a few weeks for your baby’s brain to know the difference between night and day. Unfortunately, there are no tricks to speed this up, but it helps to keep things quiet and calm during middle-of-the-night feedings and diaper changes. Try to keep the lights low and resist the urge to play with or talk to your baby. This will send the message that nighttime is for sleeping. If possible, let your baby fall asleep in the crib at night so your little one learns that it’s the place for sleep.

Don’t try to keep your baby up during the day in the hopes that your little one will sleep better at night. Overly tired infants often have more trouble sleeping at night than those who’ve had enough sleep during the day.

If your newborn is fussy it’s OK to rock, cuddle, and sing as your baby settles down. Swaddling can also help to soothe a crying baby. If you swaddle your baby and they start trying to roll over, that is a sign that you can stop swaddling. For the first months of your baby’s life, “spoiling” is definitely not a problem. In fact, newborns who are held or carried during the day tend to have less colic and fussiness.

At Night: Newborn Sleep And Waking

Re: How many hours a day does a 5 week old baby need to sleep?

In the first few months, newborns usually wake several times a night for feeds.

Between one and three months, your baby might start waking less often and have a longer period of sleep at night.

By the time your baby is around three months old, they might regularly be having a longer sleep at night for example, around 4-5 hours. But you can expect that your baby will still wake at least once each night.

If your baby is premature or low birth weight, your paediatrician or child and family health nurse might recommend that you let your baby sleep for only a certain amount of time at night before you wake them for a feed.

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