What Are Signs Of Seizures In Newborns

Safety Precautions For Children Who Have Seizures

Understanding Seizures in the Newborn Infant

The biggest risk to children who have seizures is where they occur. If a child is walking down the stairs or is in the bathroom and has a seizure, the child risks falling and hurting themselves.

Most importantly, especially here in Texas in the summertime, if a child is in the water and has a seizure, they can fall under the water and drown. We tell parents to be very careful about watching kids anywhere around water, including lakes, pools, the bathtub or shower.

Take these seizure precautions to ensure your child remains safe.

  • Avoid tub baths showers are safer than baths
  • Make sure the bathroom door is not locked
  • No swimming without constant adult supervision
  • Wear a life jacket at all times when boating or on a jet ski
  • No climbing higher than 10 feet including ladders, trees and bunk beds
  • Wear a helmet at all times when bike riding and horseback riding
  • For children with frequent seizures, avoid bike riding on streets
  • No cooking over an open stove or using an iron
  • Teenagers with uncontrolled seizures shouldn’t drive, including ATVs, mini-motor cycles, 4-wheelers
  • Do not allow the handling of firearms

As a parent, it will be helpful to develop a plan and to share your plan with others to help keep your child safe during a seizure. Talk to your child’s school or anyone who may be in contact with your child about seizure first aid and safety.

Does Your Child Need To See A Doctor About Febrile Seizures

Your child should see a GP or go to a hospital emergency department urgently if your child:

  • hasnt had a febrile seizure before
  • has had a febrile seizure and hasnt recovered fully after a short sleep
  • is showing signs of a serious illness thats causing fever.

You know your child best, so trust your instincts if your child doesnt seem well and you think they need urgent medical attention.

Care Of Your Baby In Hospital

  • When your baby is admitted to hospital, their doctor may order these tests and treatments to find out the cause of the seizures:
  • X-rays or an MRI of your babys brain.
  • Cardiac monitoring, whereby small wires are attached to the chest to record heart and breathing rhythms and how much oxygen is in the blood.
  • An EEG , which measures the electrical activity in the brain by placing small wires on your babys scalp. This test does not hurt your baby and helps collect important data about the seizures.
  • Intravenous medications, including anti-seizure drugs and antibiotics given via an IV .

Nursing staff will monitor your baby closely each day and record any seizures that occur. If your baby has a seizure, the nurse will stay with your baby, provide them with oxygen if necessary and contact the treating doctor for further instructions.If the nurse is out of the room at the time of a seizure, please call for the nurse so they can attend to your baby promptly.Please speak to your babys doctor or nursing staff if you have any questions, at any time, about your babys condition.

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What To Do If A Baby Has A Seizure

Its essential to stay calm and keep a baby safe during a seizure to prevent them from becoming injured. You should:

  • Place the baby on a soft, protected surface like a carpeted floor or the ground . A pillow can help to protect their head.

  • Lay the baby on their side to prevent them from choking on their saliva.

  • Never place anything in their mouth or try to restrain themdoing so could injure you and the baby.

  • Gently clean the saliva or vomit from their mouth using a soft cloth.

  • Move nearby objects out of the way.

  • Loosen any tight clothing around their face and neck.

  • Stay with them throughout the entire seizure and afterward.

  • Time the length of the seizure and make notes about what happened.

  • Make sure they keep breathing.

You should seek emergency care³ if:

  • The seizure hasnt stopped within five minutes, or if they have multiple seizures in a short time a seizure usually only lasts a few minutes

  • The baby stops breathing

  • The baby has blue lips, tongue, or face

  • The baby doesnt wake up, respond, recover quickly/gain consciousness a few minutes after the seizure ends

  • The baby fell or hit its head during the seizure

  • Do you have any other concerns about the baby

  • Its their first seizure, or you are unsure of its cause

If the baby has a history of febrile or other types of seizures, they may be able to be managed at home . In these cases, you should still contact the babys pediatrician even if they havent needed emergency care.

Etiology Of Neonatal Seizure Disorders

What Are Infant Seizures? How Do I Know If My Baby Is Having One?

The abnormal central nervous system electrical discharge may be caused by a

  • Primary intracranial process

  • Systemic problem

Seizures resulting from an intracranial process usually cannot be differentiated from seizures resulting from a systemic problem by their clinical features .

Neonatal seizures may be familial some have genetic causes. Benign familial neonatal convulsions is a potassium channelopathy inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy is a rare disorder associated with a variety of mutations.

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Seek Medical Advice If:

  • Your baby is having ongoing seizures.
  • You notice any deterioration in your babys condition.
  • You are at all concerned that something may be wrong with your baby.

For a medical review of your child, including concerns relating to your childs recent admission at the Childrens Hospital, please present at the QCH Emergency, your local GP, or your local hospital.

What Causes Babies To Have Seizures

Overall, 3 out of every 1,000 babies experience newborn seizures, many of which cause debilitating injuries. Of this number, up to 1.4% of term infants and 20% of premature babies will experience seizures.

The abnormal electrical discharges that result in seizures can be caused by various issues, including:

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First Aid For Absence Seizures

When a child experiences an absence or staring seizure, the most important thing to do is to stay with the child to ensure they stay safe. Make sure they are fully conscious and aware before being left on their own.

If your child has an absence seizure, follow these steps for seizure first aid:

  • Stay calm and stay with your child
  • Time the seizure
  • Don’t grab or hold your child
  • Explain to others what is happening
  • Protect child from any hazards

Dangerous Seizures In Kids

Signs of Infantile Spasms

Although the majority of seizures aren’t dangerous and don’t require immediate medical attention, one kind does. Status epilepticus is a life-threatening condition in which a person has a prolonged seizure or one seizure after another without regaining consciousness in between them. Status epilepticus is more common among people with epilepsy, but about one-third of the people who develop the condition have never had a seizure before. The risks of status epilepticus increase the longer the seizure goes on, which is why you should always get emergency medical help if a seizure lasts more than five minutes.

You may also hear about a condition called Sudden Unexplained Death, in which a person dies for no known reason. It can happen to anyone, but it’s more likely to happen in a person with epilepsy. The causes aren’t known, but parents of children with epilepsy should know that it’s a very rare occurrence. Controlling seizures, especially those that occur in sleep, is the most effective plan for helping to prevent this tragedy from occurring.

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Why Is My Baby Having Seizures

There are a number of causes of seizures in newborns and babies. The good news is that seizures in a newborn do not necessarily mean that your baby will have epilepsy or a lifelong seizure disorder. The bad news is that seizures in your newborn does put him or her at increased risk of a seizure disorder later on.

Prematurity and low birth weight are risk factors for seizures in newborns, but most premature babies or low-birth weight babies do not have seizures.

Prematurity and low birth weight are risk factors for seizures in newborns, but most premature babies or low-birth weight babies do not have seizures. The most common causes of seizures in a newborn are:

  • Oxygen deprivation before or during birth, which can cause hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy . The oxygen deprivation may be due to placental abruption, prolonged labor, or compression of the umbilical cord during labor and delivery
  • Infection acquired either before or after birth, such as rubella , toxoplasmosis, bacterial meningitis, syphilis, or viral encephalitis
  • Stroke suffered before, during, or after birth
  • Bleeding in the brain
  • Blood clot in the brain
  • Abnormalities in the brain, either genetic in nature or which occurred during development of the fetus, including tuberous sclerosis
  • Metabolic problems, including phenylketonuria
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Withdrawal from drugs consumed by the mother during pregnancy, such as heroin or cocaine.

Life Expectancy Of People With Epilepsy

In 2013, researchers from the University of Oxford and University College London, both in the United Kingdom, reported that people with epilepsy are 11 times more likely to experience premature death than people without it..

The risk appears to be greater if the person also has a mental health condition. Suicide, accidents, and assaults accounted for 15.8% of early deaths. Most people affected by these had also received a diagnosis of a mental health condition.

Lead researcher Seena Fazel says, Our results have significant public health implications, as around 70 million people worldwide have epilepsy, and they emphasize that carefully assessing and treating psychiatric disorders as part of standard checks in with epilepsy could help reduce the risk of premature death in these patients.

Our study, he adds, also highlights the importance of suicide and nonvehicle accidents as major preventable causes of death in people with epilepsy.

Several factors may have links to an increased risk of epilepsy. According to a 2017 research review in the journal NeuroToxicology, these factors include:

  • age, with new cases occurring more frequently in young children and older adults
  • brain injuries and tumors
  • central nervous system infections, such as bacterial meningitis, viral encephalitis, and neurocysticercosis

Some risk factors, such as alcohol consumption, are modifiable when trying to prevent the development of epilepsy.

This can have long-term benefits. In one

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Our Areas Of Innovation For Seizures

Physicians and researchers at Boston Childrens Hospital are constantly looking for safer, more effective treatments to help children live seizure-free. We typically have several clinical trials going on at any time. Our doctors are:

  • searching for and testing new anti-seizure drugs
  • developing better methods for diagnosing and treating seizures
  • looking for ways to prevent other conditions from triggering seizures
  • evaluating new imaging techniques that help surgeons avoid damaging functional brain tissue

Learn What To Do If A Child Has A Seizure With These Steps For Seizure First Aid

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Approximately 4-5% of all children will experience a seizure at some point during their childhood. About 1% of children are diagnosed with epilepsy, and 1 in 26 people develop this neurological condition during their lifetime.

Given these statistics, it’s vital for everyone to know what steps to take if they see a person having a seizure.

Seizures are common, and while a seizure may never happen to you or to a member of your family, it’s good for everybody to know what to do in case of a seizure.

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What Tests Will Be Done To Diagnose Infantile Spasms

Your childs healthcare provider will order an electroencephalogram to confirm the diagnosis of infantile spasms.

An EEG measures and records your childs brains electrical signals. During an EEG, a technician places small metal disks on your childs scalp. The electrodes attach to a machine that gives your babys healthcare provider information about your childs brain activity. Ideally, the EEG will capture their brains activity while theyre having a spasm, as well as the time in between spasms. Healthcare providers look for a distinct EEG pattern called hypsarrhythmia. This pattern is very particular and makes it easy for healthcare providers to diagnose infantile spasms with certainty in most cases.

Tests your childs healthcare provider may order to determine the cause of the infantile spasms include:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging brain scan: An MRI brain scan is a painless test that produces very clear images of the structures and tissues in your childs brain. MRI uses a large magnet, radio waves and a computer to produce the detailed images. It doesnt use X-rays . An MRI can help your childs healthcare provider determine whats causing their spasms.
  • Genetic and metabolic tests: If your childs MRI is normal, their healthcare provider will likely order other tests, such as genetic and metabolic tests, to try to determine the cause of the spasms. These tests typically require a sample of blood, urine or spinal fluid.

How Are Seizures Diagnosed In A Child

The healthcare provider will ask about your childs symptoms and healthhistory. Youll be asked about other factors that may have caused yourchilds seizure, such as:

  • Recent fever or infection

Your child may also have:

  • A neurological exam

  • Blood tests to check for problems in blood sugar and other factors

  • Imaging tests of the brain, such as an MRI or CT scan

  • Electroencephalogram , to test the electrical activity in your childs brain

  • Lumbar puncture , to measure the pressure in the brain and spinal canal and test the cerebral spinal fluid for infection or other problems

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Diagnosis Of Neonatal Seizure Disorders

  • Electroencephalography

  • Laboratory testing

  • Usually cranial imaging

Evaluation begins with a detailed family history and a physical examination.

Jitteriness must be distinguished from true seizure activity. Jitteriness is usually stimulus-induced and can be stopped by holding the extremity still in contrast, seizures occur spontaneously, and motor activity is felt even when the extremity is held still.

How Can I Help My Child Live With Epilepsy

Beginning of baby infant seizure infantile spasm

You can help your child with epilepsy manage his or her health. Makesure to:

  • If age-appropriate, make sure your child understands the type of seizure he or she has, and the type of medicine that is needed.

  • Know the dose, time, and side effects of all medicines. Give your child medicine exactly as directed.

  • Talk with your child’s healthcare provider before giving your child other medicines. Medicines for seizures can interact with many other medicines. This can cause the medicines to not work well, or cause side effects.

  • Help your child avoid anything that may trigger a seizure. Make sure your child gets enough sleep, as lack of sleep can trigger a seizure.

  • Make sure your child visits his or her healthcare provider regularly. Have your child tested as often as needed.

Keep in mind that your child may not need medicine for life. Talk withthe healthcare provider if your child has had no seizures for 1 to 2years.

If your childs seizures are controlled well, you may not need manyrestrictions on activities. Make sure your child wears a helmet forsports such as skating, hockey, and bike riding. Make sure your childhas adult supervision while swimming.

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Key Points About Epilepsy And Seizures In Children

  • A seizure occurs when one or more parts of the brain has a burst of abnormal electrical signals that interrupt normal signals

  • There are many types of seizures. Each can cause different kinds of symptoms. These range from slight body movements to loss of consciousness and convulsions.

  • Epilepsy is when a person has 2 or more seizures with no known cause.

  • Epilepsy is treated with medicine. In some cases, it may be treated with VNS or surgery.

  • Its important to avoid anything that triggers seizures. This includes lack of sleep.

Whats The Difference Between Infantile Spasms And West Syndrome

West syndrome happens when your baby has a combination of symptoms, including:

  • Infantile spasms.
  • Abnormal brain wave patterns called hypsarrhythmia.
  • Developmental delays or developmental regression.

While babies whore affected by infantile spasms often have West syndrome, they can experience infantile spasms without having or later developing developmental delays.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Infantile Spasms

During an infantile spasm, your babys body will stiffen or tense up suddenly and only for a couple of seconds. They may also arch their back, and their arms, legs and/or head may bend forward. Infantile spasms often happen one after another in a cluster with five- to 10-second pauses in between spasms.

After a spasm or series of spasms, your baby may appear upset or cry but not always.

In some cases, infantile spasms are very subtle and difficult to notice. Subtle signs of an infantile spasm include:

  • Eyes rolling up.

Spasms that are due to an abnormality in your babys brain often affect one side of their body more than the other or may result in pulling of their head or eyes to one side.

Infantile spasms are most common just after your baby wakes up and rarely happen while theyre sleeping.

Soon after your baby starts experiencing spasms, youll likely notice other changes in your baby, including:

  • Loss of developmental milestones they had previously reached, such as rolling over, sitting, crawling and babbling.
  • Loss of social interactions and smiling less.
  • Increased fussiness or silence.

If you can, try to take videos of your childs spasms so you can show them to their pediatrician. Its very important that infantile spasms are diagnosed early. If you think your baby may be having infantile spasms, talk to their pediatrician as soon as possible.

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