How Do I Keep My Baby Warm At Night Without A Blanket
Instead of adding blankets, add a layer of clothing. For example, you may want to consider whether your baby may benefit from a wearing vest under his or her baby-grow or pajamas. You may prefer to put your baby in a baby-grow/onesie with feet when it is cold, but without at warmer times of the year.
What To Do When Baby Gets Sick: 7 Solutions
Use our guide to treat Babywhether she has a fever or the flu. We’ll help you decide when to push the worrying aside, and when to call the doctor.
My son has always been a happy, easygoing kid. But at 4 months, Samuel was really cranky for a few days. I called the pediatrician’s office, and the nurse said it sounded like teething. That, though, didn’t seem right, so I asked to come in for a doctor’s take. I felt awkward. After all, I’d been a mom for a fraction of this nurse’s career. Who was I to second-guess someone with so much experience?
What I didn’t consider was that I’d developed my own expertise on Samuel. I could differentiate his feed-me wails from his cuddle-me whimpers and his I’m-so-sleepy sobs. Turns out, he wasn’t teething. He had an ear infection, one we were able to catch and treat early.
Indeed, parents can help docs diagnose properly. “To understand when a baby is sick, you have to understand what he’s like when he’s welland that’s something a parent knows best,” says Paul Horowitz, M.D., a pediatrician in Santa Clarita, California. Follow this guide to common childhood illnesses, how to treat them, and when to see the doctor.
Loosen Phlegm With Moisture
“Babies don’t have the muscle strength to cough effectively, so it can be tough for them to clear phlegm,” says Stan Spinner, M.D., chief medical officer of Texas Children’s Pediatrics in Houston. One natural remedy that can help: Take your baby into the bathroom and turn on the shower to make the air hot and steamy. “It will get his nose running, loosen the mucus in his throat, and make his coughs more productive,” says Dr. Spinner. Try doing it before bed, since mucus tends to drain into your baby’s throat and chest while they lie down.
- RELATED: How to Decode Your Baby’s Cough
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How To Prevent A Cold In Babies
For many new parents, the real concern is deciding if their baby has a cold or something more serious. Take a deep breath and face this challenge. You’ll see it’s easy to figure out once you know the signs. “Until your baby has his first round of shots at 2 months old, you should be extra cautious,” says Mary Ian McAteer, M.D., a pediatrician in Indianapolis. It’s best for newborns to avoid crowds, so leave them at home.
After those first two months, here are more ways to prevent your baby from getting a cold.
Keep your baby close. When you venture out, stay six feet from anyone who’s coughing or sneezing, and wear your cutie in a carrier. Strangers are less likely to touch your babe’s hands and face when they’re attached to you. If they’re in a stroller, keep the canopy down, and cover it with a light blanket.
Mind the company your family keeps. Ask guests who have been sick to hold off on visiting until they no longer have symptoms and are fever-free for at least 24 hours . Allow little kids to look at the baby but not to touch them.
Keep nursing. Serious colds and ear and throat infections are reduced by 63 percent in infants who breastfeed exclusively for six months, studies show. Babies who nurse are also much less likely to come down with respiratory tract infections and stomach bugs.
Disinfect surfaces. Germs can live for hours on things like shopping carts, so keep a package of sanitizing wipes in your diaper bag.
When To Visit The Doctor
For infants up to 3 months, any fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit is a “call your doctor right away” scenario, says William Varley, M.D., community pediatrician with Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. For older babies, look out for a fever that lasts more than three days or that develops a few days after the onset of cold symptoms. Other signs to watch for include wheezing or rapid, strained breathing, which may indicate a virus or pneumonia. If your baby develops coughing fits, it may be whooping cough.
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How Long Do Toddler Colds Last
You can expect a toddlers cold to last between seven and 10 days, but it may continue for up to two weeks. And a cough, one of the last cold symptoms to appear, can hang on even longer sometimes up to a month.
Keep in mind that the common cold is quite contagious, passing from person to person via touch or airborne particles, so it may spread for a couple of weeks after your child falls ill.
What Complications Are Linked To Coughs And Colds
Most coughs and colds pass quickly with no medical treatment required and no complications.
In some cases, however, your child may develop a bacterial infection after being sick with a cold virus and the infection might then need medical treatment.
If your childs symptoms do not improve within a week, or they get worse, or your child has a cough that continues for more than a few weeks after their illness, they should see a GP. The doctor may recommend some tests or treatments to rule out complications or another cause of your childs symptoms.
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How Do I Know If Baby Cold At Night
In general, the hands and the feet are a poor way to tell if your baby is too cold. This is because they are often exposed and thus will naturally carry a lower temperature. If the hands and feet are cold, this doesn’t mean that your baby is too cold! A better way to measure is to feel your baby’s torso.
When To See A Doctor
A baby under 2 or 3 months old should be seen by a doctor if they have a cold. This will help safeguard against a more serious condition, and will also put your mind at ease.
Fever is one way your babys body works to fight off colds. Even so, a fever of 100.4°F or higher in a baby whos under 2 or 3 months old warrants a call to the doctor.
You should also call your doctor if your older baby, between 3 and 6 months, has a fever of 101°F or higher.
No matter their age, a fever that persists for more than 5 days warrants a call to the doctor and likely a visit.
Keep an eye on all of your babys symptoms. They should see a doctor if they have any of the following symptoms:
- rash
- odd, unusual-sounding cry
- trouble breathing
- retractions when the areas below and between the ribs and in the neck sink in with each attempt to inhale
- thick green mucus or bloody mucus from the nose or mouth
- fever for more than 5 to 7 days
- rubbing their ear, or other sign of physical discomfort or pain anywhere in their body
- signs of dehydration, such as not wetting as many diapers as they usually do
- refusal to nurse or take a bottle
- bluish tinge around nail pads or lips
You know your little one best. If they just dont seem like themselves, call their pediatrician so you can rule out anything more serious than a cold. Thats what the doctor is there for.
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How Can I Treat My Babys Cold
Ukpeh recommends:
- Treat mild fevers with acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
- Encourage the baby to take plenty of fluids and to rest.
- Use a cool mist humidifier to help baby with a stuffy nose, but be sure to wash and dry it thoroughly each day to prevent contamination from bacteria and mould. Giving your baby a warm bath or sitting with her in the bathroom while the shower runs can also help soften the mucus in her nose.
- Raising the crib mattress so that the babys head is higher than his body may also help him sleep more comfortably.
If your baby has a lot of mucus in his nose, it may help to soften it with saline drops, then use a suction bulb to remove it. But Ukpeh cautions that when the baby has soft-tissue swelling in his nose, the suctioning is likely to irritate the tissue and make things worse, so be gentle.
Final Thoughts: Newborn Cold Treatments And Prevention
The easiest and best way to prevent your newborn catching a cold or flu is to use the preventative measures listed above. However, at some point, your little angel is bound to catch a bug, so be prepared with natural cold remedies that you can use to treat your newborns cold.
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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.
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What To Give A 1
Since toddlers this age dont know how to blow their noses, you can put saline nasal drops in your 1-year-olds nose to loosen clogged mucus and use suction bulb or NoseFrida to gently extract excess mucus. You can also raise the head of your toddlers crib by putting a couple of pillows underneath the mattress .
What Do You Do When Your Baby Is Cold At Night
Read on to know what you should do to keep your infant warn and comfy in those frigid winter nights.
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Stages Of A Cold In Babies
Although babies are born with some of their mothers’ immunity to illness, which is enhanced by breastfeeding, they’re not completely protected against the ever-changing collection of viruses that cause upper respiratory infections. And while most babies will come down with several colds in their first year of life, the illnesses will help them begin to build up immunity of their own.
So what does a baby cold look like? It usually comes on slowly and lasts about nine days. Some parents find it helpful to break the cycle into three distinct stages of a cold in babies: three days coming, three days here, and three days going.
Three Days Coming: During the first three days, when your child is contagious, they may seem fussier than usual, have a slight decrease in appetite, and run a fever. If they’re less than 3 months old and their rectal temperature is above 100.4 degrees F., right away for advice and instructions. On the second or third day, you’ll spot a runny nose, signaling that your child’s immune system is fighting back. During this stage, the mucus is clear and thin, and runs constantly.
Three Days Going: Like a houseguest who stays too long, colds can linger. In the final three days, the mucus thickens even more and becomes crusty. Your baby will act normal in most ways, eating well and resuming activity.
What Are Symptoms Of The Common Cold
Common cold symptoms in a toddler typically start with a runny nose, sneezing and a throat tickle and end with a lingering cough that often flares up at night. Fortunately, most toddler cold symptoms, which are similar to those in adults, arent very severe. Heres a rundown of the most common ones:
Runny nose
Dry cough
Slightly swollen glands
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Baby Colds Are Generally Not A Reason To See A Gp
If your baby is feeding, drinking, eating and breathing normally and there’s no wheezing, there isn’t usually anything to worry about. However, see your GP if:
- They have a high temperature and theyre breathless.
- The cough continues for a long time, especially if it’s worse at night or when they run around.
- They have trouble breathing in this case, contact your GP whatever time of day it is.
- Their cough has lasted for more than three weeks.
- Their cough gets very bad or quickly gets worse.
- They have chest pain.
Give An Older Baby A Little Honey
If your child is over a year old, a spoonful of this can calm a nighttime cough. One study found that sick kids coughed less and slept better after a teaspoon and a half of the golden stuff at bedtime. But you shouldnt give them honey if they arent 1 yet. Its not recommended for younger babies because it may lead to a dangerous illness called botulism in infants.
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Baby Cold Remedies For Cough And Congestion
When your baby has a cold, you’ll do anything to help them feel better. These home remedies for cough and congestion can get them on the road to recovery.
Of all the milestones your baby will encounter in their first year, one of the most heartbreaking is their first cold. Your little one might pant during feedings, snort themselves awake during a nap, or look at you, bewildered, as if to say, “What’s happening to me?”
Most over-the-counter cough and cold medicines are not recommended for children under the age of 6, according to the American Academy of Pediatricsbut you can still make your baby more comfortable when they’re feeling under the weather. Test out these five natural baby cold home remedies, and know when it’s time to visit the pediatrician.
Causes Of Colds In Newborns
Another name for a common cold is a viral, upper respiratory infection. They arent caused by bacterial infections and dont respond to antibiotics.
Your babys pediatrician may take a blood test, urine test, or an eye or skin swab to determine if your babys illness is viral or bacterial. Bacterial infections sometimes develop as complications from viral infections. They can also cause illnesses, such as:
- pneumonia
- sore throat
- ear infections
Colds in newborns arent unusual. The viruses which cause them can live in the air and on hard surfaces for short periods of time. That makes it possible for transmission to occur with or without direct contact to someone whos sick.
Babies who are around older children may be more likely to get colds. But even a trip to the pediatricians office, a cuddle with a loving adult, or a stroll to the store can expose your baby to germs.
Breastfed babies have more immunity than babies exclusively fed formula. This is because breastfeeding supplies antibodies, white blood cells, and enzymes to your baby. These agents safeguard them from infection.
Breastfed babies have all, or part, of their mothers immunity to the illnesses she has had or been exposed to. This doesnt, however, mean breastfed babies are completely immune from colds.
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