How To Get Rid Of Gas In Newborn Baby

Signs Of Gas In Newborn Babies

How To Relieve Gas and Colic In Babies and Infants Instantly

Identifying a baby suffering from stomach gas is often not a big deal as they are mostly uncomfortable or you may find them in extreme pain as well.

It has also been reported that the most common time for babies to feel uncomfortable is between late night till early morning.

However, there is no specific trend and your baby can feel uncomfortable anytime.

So you need to be more vigilant and cautious in this regard.

lookout for these symptoms in your baby

  • Baby getting fussy
  • The Babys tummy getting hard
  • Baby crying on a periodic basis
  • The baby may get multiple burps too
  • The baby is not getting enough sleep
  • The baby is extremely uncomfortable and is pulling his legs up to the chest

These are the major symptoms that are mostly observed in gassy babies. Now get to the main concern as how to get rid of baby gas fast?

How Can Parents Deal With Colic

Learning how to interpret your babys cry can be helpful in dealing with colic. It does take some time for parents and babies to become accustomed to each other. Remember, babies will cry for a certain length of time every day under normal circumstances.

What works for one baby may not work for another. Other suggestions include the following:

  • Make sure your baby is not hungry, but do not force feed if he or she is not interested in the bottle or breast.
  • Change your babys position. Sit him or her up if lying down. Let your baby face forward if you are carrying or holding him/her facing your chest. Babies like to see different views of the world.
  • Give your baby interesting things to look at: different shapes, colors, textures, and sizes.
  • Talk to your baby. Sing softly to your baby.
  • Rock your baby.

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Adjust The Feeding Position

While bottle-feeding or nursing your infant, adjust their feeding position to prevent a bloated baby belly. Keep their head higher than their stomach.

This position helps the milk move to the bottom of the stomach and the air to the top, which helps the baby burp. You can also use a nursing pillow to provide support and tip the nursing bottle slightly up so that there are no air bubbles in the nipple.

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Best Nursing Positions For Helping Baby Latch

How and where you breastfeed matters, for your comfort and your baby’s nourishment. Studies suggest new moms who try at least two breastfeeding positions are more likely to breastfeed for more than six months.

Getting comfortable varying the way you nurse will make it easier for you to adapt your style to your baby’s feedings habits. Switching up positions may also reduce breast pain or discomfort. Experiment with these different options for an improved latch:

How Many Calories Do You Need When You’re Breastfeeding

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Your body generally burns around 300 to 500 extra calories a day while you’re breastfeeding depending on whether you’re nursing exclusively or not. If you are, it’s typically up to 450 to 500.

So while you don’t need to be hyper-vigilant about counting calories and consuming more, definitely keep your extra nutritional needs while nursing in mind. If you stayed within your doctor’s recommended weight gain during pregnancy, you shouldn’t have to take in any more or less than that, but check with your practitioner if you’re not sure.

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What Infant Gas Drops Are Safe And Effective

Infant gas drops contain simethicone, which breaks up gas bubbles and is also the main ingredient in common anti-gas medications for adults. Research as to how effective they are is mixed. Still, simethicone gas drops for babies are very safe, and some parents find theyre very effective.

Want to try infant gas drops to help your gassy baby? First, talk to your pediatrician about what kind to look for and how often to give them. And follow the dosing instructions on the bottle. Most will say you can give your baby drops up to 12 times per day, or at each feeding. Some parents find its helpful to give babies gas drops right before each feed to pre-empt gas problems, but check with your doctor to be sure.

Read the label and be sure to avoid drops with sodium benzoate or benzoic acid, which can be harmful to babies in large quantities.

And if a friend or relative brings a gas treatment from another country or one that isn’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration , don’t give it to your baby unless you get approval from your pediatrician. It could contain alcohol, sugar or other potentially harmful ingredients that aren’t clearly listed on the packaging.

Mothers Should Check Out Their Diets

Although this notion is not so prevalent these days, as a matter of fact, if you are breastfeeding your baby there is a high chance that the food you take in your diet may adversely affect the health of your baby.

Different products are often given a check while you are breastfeeding your baby.

The most common products that are generally thought to be the cause of gas in babies include the following

  • Leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach and cabbage
  • Dietary products

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When To Speak With A Doctor

While most baby gas cases are fairly harmless, there are times when you should seek professional help.

If your baby exhibits excessive crying, has long crying bouts three or more times per day, or just recently began crying after reaching their first month, contact your pediatrician.

Also call the doctor or seek medical help if your little one isnt eating, peeing, or having regular bowel movements.

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Reasons For Gas In Breastfed Babies


For most babies, gas is not really a big deal. However, some fussy babies are very uncomfortable due to gas pains. Here are some of the top reasons gas in breastfed babies and what you can do!

If youve ever worried about your babys gassiness trust me, you arent alone. A babys gas problems are a common concern amongst breastfeeding mothers.

Whenever I do one of my Q& As on Instagram, there is always a handful of questions about the gassiness of their baby. It can be a bit distressing to see your baby squirming around in pain with clear gas lurking. You might even just find yourself shocked by the loudness of the gas they pass or the burps they produce it can often rival that of a grown adult!

If you find yourself wondering why your breastfed baby is gassy and if theres anything you can do about it, youre in the right place. Below, youll find some of the most common reasons for gas, some solutions, and an amazing resource for diving more into this topic to get to the bottom of your gassy babys problems.

Of course, please do not take any information in this post as medical advice.

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Know When To Call The Doctor

If these simple solutions for your baby’s upset stomach aren’t working, call the doctor. Colic, which is characterized by excessive inconsolable crying, might not really have a known cause, says Dr. Loizides, and some constipation might work itself out on its own. However, he says to watch out for concerning symptoms like pain during or after feeding, persistent food refusal, vomiting blood or green or yellow fluid, poor growth, breathing problems, or choking.

Check Your Babys Latch

If your baby isnt latching well, they may be swallowing more air. A painful latch to the breast or a clicking type sound while your baby feeds may indicate their latch needs help.

Many latching issues on the breast can be remedied with some minor adjustments or with a lactation consultant who can help with proper technique and positioning. If there is a poor latch, you can also have your baby evaluated to see if they have a tongue-tie as this can affect nursing and bottle feeds as well, Boone said.

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Infant Gas Relief: How To Treat And Prevent A Bloated Baby Belly

On average, babies pass gas about 13 to 21 times every day. A bloated baby belly due to gas is therefore quite common and usually doesnt require any special treatments.

Gas is particularly common in infants between one and four months, as their digestive systems are still developing. Read on to learn more about infant gas relief and effective ways to relieve gas.

When To Talk To Your Pediatrician About Your Babys Gas

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Dr. Sniderman says you should consult your babys doctor if gas is keeping your baby from doing their happy baby things.

If gas is interrupting your babys ability to have a bowel movement or its interrupting their sleep or their feeding, then its a problem, and its time to reach out to your doctor, Dr. Sniderman says.

When you were pregnant, you probably daydreamed of the special moments youd spend with your baby feeding them, bathing them, snappy share-worthy snuggly newborn pics. You probably thought less about the joys brought on by a thunderous burp or a noisy fart. Soon, youll see, though, that when your baby is happy and feeling relieved, those post-gas smiles may just be some of their cutest moments. Get your camera ready.

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Other Tips For Relieving Gas In Babies

If burping doesn’t seem to relieve your baby’s discomfort, try other positions and techniques to get the gas moving. “Parents can help by giving an infant massage or pushing the legs back and forth when the baby lies on their backâbicycling,” suggests Dr. Landau. “Letting the baby be on her stomach while she is awake can help as well.”

You can also try examining the cause of the excess gas. For example, if you’re breastfeeding, something in your diet could cause your baby’s discomfort. “Everyone is different, but one of the most common culprits for gassiness is dairyâmilk, cheese, ice cream,” says Leigh Anne O’Connor, a New York lactation consultant.

Other solutions include letting the bottle settle a bit before feeding your baby and choosing an age-appropriate nipple. Finally, you can switch to a bottle style designed to decrease the amount of air in the bottle. If nothing seems to bring gas relief, there are over-the-counter medicines that parents can try .

Is Your Baby Really In Gas Pain

First, its important to figure out why your baby is crying. Infants cry because they have no other means of communication. So you have to make sure that your baby is not just hungry, thirsty or tired. If the child really experiences gas pain, the cry will be sharper, more intense and frantic. He will mostly likely to show other signs of discomfort, such as squirming around, pulling up his legs and clenching his fists. In case of gas pain, you may also observe flatulence and burping of your baby.

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Why Is My Baby More Gassy At Night

Gas accumulation is a function of gut motility and positioning. As our body rests, our digestion slows. Gut slowing results in more gas buildupOrr WC. Gastrointestinal Functioning During Sleep: A New Horizon in Sleep Medicine . Sleep Med Rev. 2001 5:91-101. . During the night, you and I have the luxury of moving our bodies when we feel this discomfort. Our body movement releases any trapped gas bubbles, allowing us to burp or fart to relieve the painful pressure.

Babies cant freely move while they sleep. At night, we tightly swaddle our babies and lie them on their backs to sleep. This technique is important for infant soothing and decreasing the risk of SIDS, but limits the movement of tummy bubblesTASK FORCE ON SUDDEN INFANT DEATH, S. Y. N. D. R. O. M. E. SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment. Pediatrics. 2016 138. . Tummy gas builds during quiet rest until the pain wakes your baby up.

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Parents Guide to How to Burp Baby

We lie very still at night! When we move around it is a natural way to assist the progression of gas through our bodies. At nighttime, theres less movement and the gas can build up and get trapped. Additionally, babies tend to feed close to bedtime, and air introduced during this feed can become trapped. Also, our digestive systems are still very active at night and the results of digestion can be gas!

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Baby Gas Signs & Symptoms

Usually, gas is not a significant matter of concern. Passing gas is a natural process for us human beings. Every person produces and eliminates digestive gasses. A newborn gas problem is expected as a baby’s digestive system is immature and takes time to adapt. So, before we dive into how to get rid of baby gas fast, let us look at the symptoms and signs of a newborn gas.

How To Tell If Your Baby Has Gas

Gas is a common problem for newborns but can continue into later infanthood as babies start eating solids. How the gas presents itself may depend somewhat on the babyâs age, but common signs include arching the back, pulling the legs up to the stomach, and general squirminess. Some parents report that their babiesâ cries sound different when they are gassy compared to when they are hungry or have dirty diapers.

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Get Those Legs Pumping

For babies who need to let out some gas from down below, get their legs moving to bring some relief. Dr. Sniderman suggests lying your baby on their back and moving their legs in gentle circular motions, as if they were riding a bicycle. Alternatively, place your baby on their back and hold their feet in your hands. Bend their legs at their knees, and gently bring their knees to their bellies.

These methods may also help to bring on a poo.

Gas Relief For Babies

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Watching a gassy baby struggle in pain can break any parents heart. Luckily, there are several baby gas relief options to help release the gas and soothe the discomfort. Read on to learn how to relieve gas in babies.

Swaddling. Wrapping baby up tight can soothe your gassy baby by mimicking the coziness of the womb.

Rocking or bouncing. As with swaddling, OConnor says, the motion of rocking or bouncing simulates the environment in your uterus, helping to relax baby.

Using a pacifier. Almost all babies will find some baby gas relief by sucking on a pacifier, OConnor says, because the sucking action releases endorphins that will soothe them.

Infant massage. Simply rubbing your childs belly may be helpful, since massage can help calm the nerve signals in babys immature intestines.

Tummy time. Some babies find gas relief from the gentle pressure thats put on the stomach during tummy time. Just make sure theyre supervised while doing this, Grossman cautions.

Encourage movement. If your gassy baby is in severe discomfort, try the baby bike ride. Lay baby on their back and move their legs in an up-and-down pedaling motion. This helps move gas along physically, but also helps soothe and calm nerves in the intestines.

Switch up babys formula. For a formula-fed baby, you can try a different formula thats made for gassy babies, Grossman says.

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Try A Warm Bath Or Towel

A bit of warmth can ease your baby’s upset stomach. “A warm towel isn’t a bad idea, or a warm bath can sometimes help your baby relax and move their bowels as well,” Dr. Alt says. “Just make sure they aren’t too hot!” Also, keep your baby comfy by avoiding diapers and waistbands that are too tight, Dr. Loizides suggests.

How To Get Rid Of Baby Gas Fast: Signs Causes And Remedies For Relief

The gas problem in newborn babies is a very common one. Almost every new mother seeks help on how to get rid of baby gas fast during the initial weeks and months of parenting if they have a gassy newborn. Newborn gas is just the air in the stomach that your baby swallows during the feeding. Newborn gas at times takes a few seconds to pass and becomes trouble for the baby. We need to be extra careful while feeding the baby to avoid this situation. Not every child would necessarily face the newborn gas problem. It depends on the digestive system of the baby as well. As the newborn’s digestive system matures, the issue also gets decreasing. In this article, let’s now discuss the details of the causes and learn how to get rid of baby gas fast.

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Choose The Right Bottle

Certain bottles are better at preventing gas buildup than others. If youre bottle-feeding, look for a bottle with an anti-colic valve, which is designed to vent air out of the bottle and reduce the air that baby takes in while feeding.

Youll also want a slow-flow nipple, which mimics the flow of milk from a breast and keeps baby from feeding too quickly. Slow-flow nipples make sure that baby wont gulp down too much breastmilk or formula at once, and wont take in as much air as a result.

In addition to this, make sure the bottle nipple is always completely full of milk or formula

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